It includes user documentation (plugin pages, changelogs, user guidelines, etc.) and the contributor documentation (how to contribute, developer guidelines, etc ...
Jenkins – an open source automation server which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software.
A new plugin created from the archetypes will already have this setup. Here are some PR examples for various plugins to enable CD: junit · kubernetes-plugin.
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Log in to GitHub and create a new issue in the repository-permissions-updater repository. Make sure to fill out all fields as described. A member of the Hosting ...
Consult your distribution's documentation for details. To check if you have Java already installed, run java -version on a command prompt. Install Apache Maven.
Writing Pipeline-Compatible Plugins. Plugin Developer Guide. If you are maintaining (or creating) a plugin and wish its features to work smoothly with Pipeline, ...
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Create the Project Layout with Sample Plugin Archetype. Open a command prompt, navigate to the directory you want to store your new Jenkins plugin in, and run ...
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Extensions Index. Jenkins defines extension points, which are interfaces or abstract classes that model an aspect of its behavior. Those interfaces define ...
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The plugin BOM provides Pipeline plugin version numbers so that the developer does not need to maintain the independent version numbers of the Pipeline plugins.
See the developer documentation for the recommended minimum Jenkins version. Create a branch. In a local copy of your fork of the plugin repository create a git ...