The plugin site can pull documentation from the root README pages or from other locations defined by the plugin URL (see below). Multiple formats are supported: ...
The Jenkins project hosts a Jenkins instance to perform continuous integration builds for plugins. We recommend you set up CI builds for your plugin in the ...
The plugin site will pull content from a specified Markdown or AsciiDoc file in plugin's GitHub repository, defaulting to the README file. See documentation for ...
The plugin installation manager tool enables easier import into an instance of Jenkins by downloading plugins and their respective dependencies into a folder.
In your PR towards the repository permission updater, include a link to the PR in your plugin, which contains all the necessary changes, like described above.
This guide will walk you through the process of migrating plugin documentation from the plugins-wiki-docs repository to the plugin repository, so that it is ...
The Jenkins project uses its own Artifactory binary repository, to distribute core, library, and plugin releases. Only artifacts uploaded there can be ...
Jenkins – an open source automation server which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software.
The minimum Jenkins version is a good way for plugin developers to indicate the range of Jenkins versions they are willing to support and test. See the ...
Install Apache Maven. Jenkins plugins are built with Apache Maven. Download Maven from the Apache Maven website. Make sure to download one of the ...