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Configuration Examples by Server Type. A 'reverse proxy' allows an alternate HTTP or HTTPS provider to communicate with web browsers on behalf of Jenkins.
1 and Jenkins 2.335, the Linux package installers use systemd to manage services. The RPM and deb package installers migrate configuration settings from System ...
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The Jenkins controller and the reverse proxy must use the same context path. For example, if the Jenkins controller URL is https://www.example.com/jenkins ...
Backing up the entire $JENKINS_HOME directory preserves the entire Jenkins instance. To restore the system, just copy the entire backup to the new system. Note, ...
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Viewing logs · Logs on the system · Logs in Jenkins · Making custom logs available outside of the web UI · Debug logging in Jenkins.
When a request arrives for certain URLs, Nginx becomes a proxy and forwards that request to Jenkins, then it forwards the response back to the client. This 9 ...
Jenkins installs "ping thread" on every remoting connection, such as controller/agent connections, regardless of its transport mechanism (such as SSH, JNLP, ...
One solution is to front Jenkins with a web server such as Apache, and let it proxy requests to Jenkins, but this requires maintaining the Apache installation ...
To make scripted clients (such as wget) invoke operations that require authorization (such as scheduling a build), use HTTP BASIC authentication to specify the ...