This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build. ikedam · Kristin Whetstone.
This plugin provides a deep integration between Jenkins and Maven. It adds support for automatic triggers between projects depending on SNAPSHOTs as well as ...
Configure projects to run with specified authorization. ikedam ... This plugin adds authentication using URL's. ... One or more suspended plugins match your query: ...
This plugin provides a deep integration between Jenkins and Maven. It adds support for automatic triggers between projects depending on SNAPSHOTs as well as ...
Plugins may want to contribute additional restrictions on the use of specific labels for specific projects. This extension point allows such restrictions.
This plugin allows you to automatically terminate a build if it's taking too long. ikedam ... This plugin allows Jenkins ... ui with a customizable url that ...
Plugins may want to contribute additional restrictions on the use of specific labels for specific projects. This extension point allows such restrictions.