Gets the plugin object from its short name. This allows URL hudson/plugin/ID to be served by the views of the plugin class. Parameters: ...
A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson. Every time it "runs", it will be recorded as a Run object. To create a custom job type, ...
Package hudson.model. Class Hudson. java.lang.Object · hudson.model.AbstractModelObject · hudson.model.Node · hudson.model.AbstractCIBase · jenkins.model.
Marker interface for project-associated objects that can participate in the dependency graph computation process. DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup. Item ...
Automatically try to launch an agent when Jenkins is initialized or a new agent computer is created. static String · CHANGELOG_URL · Hudson.CloudList ...
Package hudson.model. Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Hudson . See: Description. Interface Summary ...
Returns the URL of this item relative to the parent SearchItem . Object, getTarget(). String, getUrlName(). Gets the ...
Class Hierarchy. java.lang.Object. hudson.node_monitors.AbstractAsyncNodeMonitorDescriptor.Result<T>; org.springframework.security.web.authentication.
Data that hangs off from a console output. ConsoleUrlProvider. Extension point that allows implementations to redirect build console links to a specified URL.
Gets the URL path name. Methods inherited from class hudson.model.ManagementLink · all, getCategoryName, getRequiresConfirmation, getRequiresPOST. Methods ...