This allows URL hudson/plugin/ID to be served by the views of the plugin class. Parameters: shortName - Short name of the plugin; Returns: The plugin singleton ...
Returns the URL of this item relative to the parent ItemGroup . String, getUrl(). Returns the URL of this item relative to the context root of the application.
Used in Run.RunExecution.run(hudson.model.BuildListener) to indicates that a fatal error in a build is reported to BuildListener and the build should be ...
Pipeline: Model API2.2198.v41dd8ef6dd56. pipeline-model-api. Javadoc · Plugin Information. Pipeline: Declarative Agent API1.1.1. pipeline-model-declarative- ...
A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson. Every time it "runs", it will be recorded as a Run object. To create a custom job type, ...
Jenkins core · Jenkins plugins · Jenkins components.
Missing: /url html
Running state of nodes are captured by Computer s. There is no URL binding for Node . Computer and TransientComputerActionFactory must be used to associate new ...
Jenkins builds pull requests sent by untrusted users, or employ a security model that limits trust in users allowed to configure one or more jobs, this also ...
Class Hudson. java.lang.Object · hudson.model.AbstractModelObject · hudson.model.Node · hudson.model.AbstractCIBase · jenkins.model.Jenkins. hudson.model.Hudson.
A Descriptor / Describable combination is used throughout in Jenkins to implement a configuration/extensibility mechanism. ... Gets the URL that this Descriptor ...