Captures the configuration information in it. To register a custom SCM implementation from a plugin, put Extension on your SCMDescriptor .
Used only for mapping jobs to URL in a case-insensitive fashion. CopyOnWriteList<ItemListener>, getJobListeners(). Deprecated. as of 1.286. Slave, getSlave ...
Missing: scm/ SCM.
This allows URL hudson/plugin/ID to be served by the views of the plugin class. Parameters: shortName - Short name of the plugin; Returns: The plugin ...
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . hudson.model.listeners. Listener interfaces for various events that occur inside the ...
Basic configuration unit in Hudson. Every Item is hosted in an ItemGroup called "parent", and some Item s are ItemGroup s. This form a tree structure, ...
Missing: scm/ SCM.
Returns the change set link value. URL, ViewSVN. getChangeSetLink​(SubversionChangeLogSet.LogEntry changeSet). URL, VisualSVN.
A convenience constructor that sets everything to default. Parameters: repositoryUrl - git repository URL Repository URL to clone from. GitSCM. @ ...
Javadoc · Plugin Information · SCM-Manager1.9.3. scm-manager. Javadoc · Plugin Information ... trunk-io. Javadoc · Plugin Information · Tuleap API2.5.2. tuleap- ...
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins ... scm. Methods in hudson.scm with parameters of type Job ... scm. Classes in jenkins.scm ...
Gets the URL that this Descriptor is bound to, relative to the context path. ... This method is used to hook up the form validation method to the corresponding ...
Missing: scm/ SCM.