Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . hudson.slaves. Code related to agents. jenkins. jenkins.model. jenkins.telemetry ...
Package hudson.model. Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . Interface Summary. Interface, Description. Action. Object that ...
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . ... hudson.model.queue ... Executes the task. protected abstract void, AsyncPeriodicWork.
Checks if the given value is an URL to some Hudson's top page. ... Participates in the rendering of HTML pages for all pages of Hudson ... java.util.List<hudson.
Pluggable ability to manage transfer and/or storage of build artifacts. The descriptor should specify at least a display name, and optionally a {@code ...
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . · Code related to agents. · Built-in Trigger s that run periodically to kick a new build ...
Utility class for taking the current input value and computing a list of potential terms to match against the list of defined labels. LabelAutoCompleteSeeder( ...
Default the built-in Jenkins Update Center URL to https://updates.jenkins.io instead of obsolete HTTP endpoint. This requires a JRE compatible with Let's ...
Default the built-in Jenkins Update Center URL to https://updates.jenkins.io instead of obsolete HTTP endpoint. ... 404s from Javadoc and HTML Publisher plugins.
This class no longer has any effect. Support for allowlisting Callable s predating the introduction of the RoleSensitive interface for SECURITY-144 in 2014 ...