Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . hudson.model.labels. Boolean expression over labels. hudson.node_monitors.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class jenkins.model.Jenkins · Jenkins.DescriptorImpl, Jenkins.EnforceSlaveAgentPortAdministrativeMonitor, Jenkins.
Basic configuration unit in Hudson. Every Item is hosted in an ItemGroup called "parent", and some Item s are ItemGroup s. This form a tree structure, ...
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class hudson.model. ... Returns the URL of this item relative to the parent SearchItem . ... This allows URL hudson/plugin/ ...
A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson. Every time it "runs", it will be recorded as a Run object. To create a custom job type, ...
Returns the URL of this item relative to the parent SearchItem . ... Methods inherited from class hudson.model. ... as of 1.467 Use execute(hudson.model.Run.
Executor -like class that executes a single task repeatedly, in such a way that a single execution can cover multiple pending queued requests. AtomicFileWriter.
A plugin is bound to URL space of Hudson as ${rootURL}/plugin/foo/ , where "foo" is taken from your plugin name "foo.jpi". All your web resources in src/main/ ...
Creates a Search instance for a SearchableModelObject . SearchFactory() - Constructor for class hudson.search.SearchFactory · SearchIndex - Interface in hudson.
Method Summary ; Exposes the bean as XML. · Returns the URL of this item relative to the parent SearchItem .