Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . hudson.model.listeners. Listener interfaces for various events that occur inside the ...
A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson. Every time it "runs", it will be recorded as a Run object. To create a custom job type, ...
Saves an existing Node on disk, called by Node.save() . Methods inherited from class hudson.model.AbstractCIBase · getDisabledAdministrativeMonitors, ...
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . ... A job is an ... Participates in the rendering of HTML pages for all pages of Hudson.
Basic configuration unit in Hudson. Every Item is hosted in an ItemGroup called "parent", and some Item s are ItemGroup s. This form a tree structure, ...
Writes the complete log from the start to finish to the OutputStream . Methods inherited from class hudson.model.Actionable · addOrReplaceAction ...
Three classes are used to model build parameters. First is the ParameterDefinition.ParameterDescriptor , which tells Hudson what kind of implementations are ...
Keeps a list of the parameters defined for a project. This class also implements Action so that index.jelly provides a form to enter build parameters.
This is the job of Describable — each instance represents a specific configuration of a view (what projects are in it, regular expression, etc.) For Jenkins to ...
Allows Whitelisted access to selected attributes of a Run without requiring Jenkins API imports. See the help for currentBuild in snippet-generator's ...