... jenkins -o jsonpath=$jsonpath) echo $(echo $secret | base64 --decode). bash. Copied! Get the Jenkins URL to visit by running these commands in the same shell:.
It is defined by the Jenkins URL specified in the global configuration. --httpsListenAddress=$HTTPS_HOST. Binds Jenkins to listen for HTTPS requests on the IP ...
Navigate to the Manage Jenkins > Plugins page in the web UI. Click on the Advanced tab. Choose the .hpi file from your system or enter a URL to the archive file ...
For example https://jenkins-server-url/blue . If your Jenkins instance: Already has existing Pipeline projects or other items present, the Blue Ocean Dashboard ...
Downloading the client. The CLI client can be downloaded directly from a Jenkins controller at the URL /jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar , in effect ...
For example, for Subversion, you can set the Repository URL to svnserver/project/${library.yourLibName.version} and then use versions such as trunk or branches/ ...
Once this URL has been set up correctly, Jenkins will redirect requests to workspaces, archived artifacts, and similar collections of usually user-generated ...
This contains the version number of Jenkins, like "1.404" This is also a good way to check if an URL is a Jenkins URL. ⇐ Change time zone · ⇑ Using Jenkins ...
The URL where the results of this build can be found (for example http://buildserver/jenkins/job/MyJobName/17/ ). EXECUTOR_NUMBER. The unique number that ...
The Jenkins controller and the reverse proxy must use the same context path. For example, if the Jenkins controller URL is https://www.example.com/jenkins ...