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This new edition of Matrix Methods emphasizes applications to Jordan-canonical forms, differential equations, and least squares.
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"The collection of the contributions to these volumes offers a flavor of the plethora of different approaches to attack structured matrix problems.
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This book presents a substantial part of matrix analysis that is functional analytic in spirit.
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The text provides the fundamental methods, procedures, techniques, and applications of sparse matrix technology in software development.
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This book presents the very concept of an index matrix and its related augmented matrix calculus in a comprehensive form.
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Mathematics of Computing -- Numerical Analysis.
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Lattices of invariant column eigenvectors / V. Marenich -- Matrix algebras and their length / O.V. Markova -- On a new class of singular nonsymmetric matrices with nonnegative integer spectra / T. Nahtman, D. von Rosen -- Reduction of a set ...
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Matrix Analysis presents the classical and recent results for matrix analysis that have proved to be important to applied mathematics.