Jenkins's interface with source code management systems. QuickSilver-like search/jump capability for better navigation around Jenkins. hudson.
This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build. ikedam.
This is a simple plugin to promote artifacts. The promotion is done on the repository server(s) by moving the artifact from a 'staging' repository into a ...
Package Class LuceneManager. java.lang.Object · hudson.model.ManagementLink. ...
Jun 30, 2023 · This plug-in allows you to search for console log and build display name etc. Lucene is a powerful search library. Many popular search ...
May 4, 2024 · Enables user authorization using a Role-Based strategy. Roles can be defined globally or for particular jobs or nodes selected by regular ...
This plugin integrates Mercurial SCM with Jenkins. It includes repository browsing support for hg serve / hgweb , as well as hosted services like Google ...
This plugin allows to define external resources (such as printers, phones, computers) that can be locked by builds. If a build requires an external resource ...
This plugin resolves user email addresses from an LDAP directory. It is not needed if Jenkins uses LDAP as its authentication source and user records have a ...