site:jenkins.io /search site:jenkins.io configuration from books.google.com
Written by the creator of Sphinx, this authoritative book is short and to the point.
site:jenkins.io /search site:jenkins.io configuration from books.google.com
This book will help you act fast so you can get started implementing FAST search today.
site:jenkins.io /search site:jenkins.io configuration from books.google.com
Describes the management of an online searching service--how to set up, implement and administer on online reference program. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
site:jenkins.io /search site:jenkins.io configuration from books.google.com
With its integration in the SharePoint 2010 family, FAST bids a scalable, flexible and powerful search server that not only contents with other similar commercial software but that can pick up the gauntlet and surmount easily any other ...