The most basic continuous delivery pipeline will have, at minimum, three stages which should be defined in a Jenkinsfile : Build, Test, and Deploy.
Apr 14, 2024 · Can receive any HTTP request, extract any values from JSON or XML and trigger a job with those values available as variables.
See the plugin BOM documentation for further details. The video below demonstrates how to add the plugin BOM to a Jenkins plugin. Simplify plugin dependency ...
Remoting 3 offers a new JNLP4 protocol (Adds Java NIO compared to JNLP3 + stability fixes). Remoting 3 is formally incompatible: Java 6 support drop from ...
For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page. Table of Contents. HTML Publisher plugin. publishHTML : Publish HTML reports ...
To make this easier, Jenkins can record and aggregate test results so long as your test runner can output test result files. Jenkins typically comes bundled ...
This section documents the services it frequently exposes on the network. Plugins may expose further services on the network. Only very commonly installed ...
This option does not impact the root URL being generated within Jenkins logic (UI, inbound agent files, etc.). It is defined by the Jenkins URL specified in the ...
Shortcuts from any page ;? show keyboard shortcut help ; /, move cursor to search box ; r, refresh current page ; g-C, Go to Configure Jenkins.
Certificate - a PKCS#12 certificate file and optional password, or. Docker Host Certificate Authentication credentials. Credential security. To maximize ...