The Pipeline syntax snippet generator assists users as they define Pipeline steps with their arguments. It is the preferred tool for Jenkins Pipeline creation, ...
A continuous delivery (CD) pipeline is an automated expression of your process for getting software from version control right through to your users and ...
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As discussed in the Defining a Pipeline in SCM, a Jenkinsfile is a text file that contains the definition of a Jenkins Pipeline and is checked into source ...
This section builds on the information introduced in Getting started with Pipeline and should be treated solely as a reference. For more information on how ...
Find Pipeline Plugin from among the plugins listed on the Available tab. (You can do this by scrolling through the plugin list or by using “Pipeline” as a term ...
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This is a simple demonstration of how to run a Gradle build, that resolves dependencies, upload artifacts and publish build info to Artifactory. Read the full ...
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The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps ...
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This step pauses Pipeline execution and allows the user to interact and control the flow of the build. Only a basic "proceed" or "abort" option is provided ...
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Once a Jenkins manager (i.e. a Jenkins user who administers a Jenkins site) adds/configures these credentials in Jenkins, the credentials can be used by ...
Jenkins has a built-in command line interface that allows users and administrators to access Jenkins from a script or shell environment.