A Jenkins plugin, to poll an email inbox, and trigger jobs based on new emails. Nick Grealy. Health Score? 63%. Browse categories.
Performs a Jira workflow action for every issue that matches the JQL query. A common use might be to consider a ticket "confirmed" in the last build step of ...
This plugin loads benchmark results in Jenkins and evaluates them. To decide on the build status, upper and lower bounds for concrete metrics and relative ...
Advanced logging for Jenkins. Enabling per build and poll logging for jobs. Logging done on slaves will be included as well. Mads Nielsen.
A BitKeeper SCM plugin for Jenkins. This plugin currently supports polling and checkout. mdonohue. Health Score? 78%. Browse categories.
A slightly nicer way of building search terms. Method Summary. Methods. Modifier and Type, Method and Description.
Bitbucket Pullrequest Builder ... This plugin polls BitBucket to determine whether there are Pull Requests that should be built. ... Health Score? 86%.
This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build. ikedam.
This plugin allows you to run a LoadImpact load test as a build-step (or post-build). The source code can be found on GitHub.
A Jenkins plugin, to poll an email inbox, and trigger jobs based on new emails. Nick Grealy. Health Score? 63%.