Jenkins has a mechanism known as "User Content", where administrators can place files inside $JENKINS_HOME/userContent , and these files are served from ...
Manage users defined in the Jenkins user database. This is not used if you use a different security realm such as LDAP or AD. Status Information group.
This option can be configured in Manage Jenkins » System in the section Serve resource files from another domain. If the resource root URL is defined, Jenkins ...
> User Documentation Home. User Handbook. User ... Searching plugins.jenkins.io for the desired plugin will provide the appropriate link to the archive file.
To configure a theme, you can go to Manage Jenkins > System > Theme and enter the URL of your stylesheet and/or Javascript file. You can also configure this ...
The Manage Jenkins >> System Information page provides detailed information about what is available on this Jenkins instance: System Properties that can be used ...
Using credentials. Table of Contents. Credential security; Configuring credentials. Adding new global credentials. There are numerous ...
This section describes those settings and how you can use them. Jenkins Parameters. Jenkins initialization can also be controlled by run time parameters passed ...
The Jenkins home directory is listed in Manage Jenkins > System under the Home directory heading. Home dir. On Windows by default, this is set to C:\ProgramData ...
The following sections describe the access granted to users with (or without) the specified permissions. Default Permissions. Overall Permissions. These ...