Specify the HTTPS URL for the Tuleap Git repository so that links to changes can be automatically generated by Jenkins. repositoryUrl : String. The URL is ...
createPackageURL : Construct a package URL and return it as a string ... Pipeline: Groovy Libraries · library : Load a ... (https://www.zaproxy.org/docs/alerts/) ...
For example, for Subversion, you can set the Repository URL to svnserver/project/${library.yourLibName.version} and then use versions such as trunk or branches/ ...
... url = 'http://localhost' assert props.resource = 'README.txt' // if fullUrl is defined to ${url}/${resource} then it should evaluate to http://localhost ...
Possible attributes are id , target , branch , fork , url , title , author , authorDisplayName , and authorEmail . Each of these corresponds to a CHANGE_* ...
Every input step has an unique identifier. It is used in the generated URL to proceed or abort. A specific identifier could be used, for example, to ...
Read the full documentation here. node { git url: 'https://github.com/jfrogdev/project-examples.git' // Get Artifactory server instance, defined in the ...
The URL where the results of this build can be found (for example http://buildserver/jenkins/job/MyJobName/17/ ). EXECUTOR_NUMBER. The unique number that ...
url is the endpoint at which your Jenkins Server expects the POST request, containing your Jenkinsfile which you want to validate. Typically this points to < ...
url : String. The repository browser URL for the root of the project. For example, the OpenGrok project would use http://src.opensolaris.org/source ...