Reads a Jar Manifest file or text and parses it into a set of Maps. The returned data structure has two properties: main for the main attributes, and entries ...
json and all files that are declared in manifest.json. This field supports ant-style path pattern matching and build-time environment variables. For example: "?
Jan 20, 2023 · Hi, I'm trying to start Firebase emulator in Jenkins Pipeline but I'm getting an error. This is the command I'm using to start the emulator:
Dec 3, 2021 · Specifies if manifest json file will be used to define the batch. The file can be stored in git repository (in this case SCM should be ...
Oct 17, 2022 · A somewhat newbie question - I set up a Jenkins controller last year to run one set of jobs, and everything has always just run on this one ...
Apr 12, 2023 · Manifest file where request payload (to CICD API) with all packages to install is specified in json format. One example can be found here: ...
Type: class net.sf.json.JSONObject ... Note: If using Jenkins environment variables, they must be added to the build's manifest file for OverOps to use.
A custom name for the Snyk project created for this Jenkins project on every build. Leave empty for the project's name to be detected in the manifest file. The ...
Jan 26, 2024 · Sample manifest.json files can be found in the CloudBees CD plug repo. ... Migrated plugin documentation from Wiki to GitHub. Version 1.1.11 (Dec ...