site:jenkins.io android from www.jenkins.io
Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps with Jenkins. As one of the predominant mobile platforms, Android is attractive to a number of developers, but it does ...
Mar 30, 2023 · Setting up a Jenkins ssh agent. It's now time to set up your agent. You can use Android as a label for your agent. Choose the Launch agent via ...
This plugin lets you automate a number of Android-related tasks during a build: Creating a new Android emulator. Its configuration can be parameterised, ...
Sep 4, 2022 · It's just a starting point to discuss with the people from the Jenkins community their achievements, their needs when it comes to Android app ...
site:jenkins.io android from www.jenkins.io
Apr 7, 2023 · So, I decided to create two Jenkins agents on Oracle Cloud Free Tier machines instead. I installed Java and Docker on these machines, and then ...
site:jenkins.io android from www.jenkins.io
May 2, 2023 · The first step to getting your app on the Play Store is to pay the $25 developer account fee. After that, you need to register your app, import ...
Building Android apps with Jenkins: release management. The previous blog post of this series discusses what I think makes CI/CD for mobile app development ...
Specifies the version codes of app files from a previous release which should be included in the release to be created by this build step.
The entry name of the private key/certificate chain you want to use to sign your APK(s). This entry must exist in the key store credentials the Key Store ID ...
Nov 9, 2023 · Hi All, I am using Jenkins 2.423 in my local setup and trying to generate an Android Build (APK). The Build gets failed with below exception ...