Dec 2, 2023 · This plugin includes integrations for CollabNet TeamForge, including tracker, file release, document uploader and authentication ... The Digital.
TeamForge webhook url to post the build information. Ex. https://teamforge ... (Optional) Specify TeamForge status explicitly. If not provided, it will be ...
Dec 21, 2022 · I am having an issue getting the CollabNet plugin to work with my TeamForge install. I am trying to use the Collabnet Authorization under ' ...
This plugin includes integrations for CollabNet TeamForge, including tracker, file release, document uploader and authentication/authorization.
Converts a build to JSON for importing as a build activity into WEBR. BuildNotifier. Notifies TeamForge when a build is complete. BuildNotifier.
site:jenkins.io teamforge from wiki.jenkins.io
Sep 7, 2021 · Open/update/close TeamForge Tracker artifacts based on the Jenkins build status. Upload workspace artifacts to the Lab Management Project Build ...
This plugin includes integrations for CollabNet TeamForge, including tracker, file release, document uploader and authentication/authorization.
This CollabNet TeamForge project will be used to determine what permissions ... TeamForge project. This will only work if you are a project admin in the ...
Mar 5, 2012 · Enable security on your Jenkins site to authenticate users against a CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise or CollabNet Teamforge server.