This plugin accepts submissions from Puppet report and tracks how files are getting deployed.
Extension point for other plugins to look at submitted puppet resources and find intereting MD5 checksums. Author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi. Nested Class Summary ...
This section is a work in progress. Want to help? Check out the jenkinsci/docs gitter channel. For other ways to contribute to the Jenkins project, ...
Continuous Delivery with Jenkins and Puppet Enterprise. This is a guest post by Carl Caum, who works at Puppet and created the Puppet Enterprise Pipeline plugin ...
This API (Application Programming Interface) document has pages corresponding to the items in the navigation bar, described as follows. Overview. The Overview ...
Extension point for other plugins to look at submitted puppet resources and find intereting MD5 checksums. Implementations: Puppet Plugin: org.jenkinsci.plugins ...
Receives the submission from HTTP reporter to track fingerprints. E. environment - Variable in class org.jenkinsci.plugins.puppet.track.report.PuppetReport ...
Class Hierarchy. java.lang.Object. hudson.cli.CLICommand (implements java.lang.Cloneable, hudson.ExtensionPoint). org.jenkinsci.plugins.puppet.track.
Dec 21, 2015 · This plugin accepts submissions from Puppet report and tracks how files are getting deployed.