In-memory mailbox that hosts messages. This class also maintains the 'unread' flag for messages that are newly added. This flag is automatically removed ...
Methods in org.jvnet.mock_javamail that return Mailbox. Modifier and Type, Method, Description. static Mailbox, Mailbox. get​(jakarta.mail.Address a).
Mar 23, 2024 · A Jenkins plugin, to poll an email inbox, and trigger jobs based on new emails.
A Jenkins plugin, to poll an email inbox, and trigger jobs based on new emails.
Utility class for providing extra Messaging related methods! Constructor Summary. Constructors. Constructor and Description. MailWrapperUtils() ...
Class MailWrapperUtils.FolderWrapper · Field Summary · Constructor Summary · Method Summary · Methods inherited from class org.jenkinsci.plugins.pollmailboxtrigger.
Method Summary ; static javax.mail.search.SearchTerm, receivedSince(java.util.Date date) ; static java.util.Date, relativeDate(int unit, int amount) ; static javax ...
Fields. Modifier and Type, Field and Description. static java.lang.String, DATE_FORMAT_TEXT. static int, ONE_DAY_IN_MINUTES. static int, PORT_IMAP.
This class provides a way for us to invoke the Jenkins.getInstance() method, during testing, without it throwing NoSuchMethod errors.
It is knowledge that belongs to the server that holds the mailbox. Most sane system administrators do not configure their accounts using case sensitive ...