Logs in Jenkins · First, select the "System Log" from the "Manage Jenkins" page: · From there, you can create a custom log recorder, which helps you group ...
Initializes log record capture, in addition to merely printing it. · Returns a read-only view of current messages. · Obtains all log records collected so far ...
Records a selected set of logs so that the system administrator can diagnose a specific aspect of the system. LogRecorder.ComputerLogInitializer.
Technically speaking, Jenkins instantiates a logger called hudson.WebAppMain in the the WebAppMain class and attaches one and only one handler to it: A hudson.
Method Summary ; Key LogRecorderManager.LoggerNotFound : A logger named "{0}" does not exist. Add a logger by this name to a log recorder before attempting to ...
Logger that this recorder monitors, and its log level. Just a pair of (logger name,level) with convenience methods. Field Summary. Fields. Modifier and Type ...
Records a selected set of logs so that the system administrator can diagnose a specific aspect of the system. ... Logger that this recorder monitors, and its log ...
Nov 11, 2015 · Description. The Jenkins Syslog Logger Plugin send the Jenkins logs to a Syslog Server. Features: Network protocol:.
Apr 10, 2024 · The Job Log Logger Plugin writes the job log to the underlying logging system.
A way of decorating output from a TaskListener . Similar to ConsoleLogFilter but better matched to Pipeline logging. May be passed to a BodyInvoker in lieu ...