Based on the input parameter, it defines the local path to the workspace, and switches to it. The complete workspace path follows the pattern:.
Job that runs outside Hudson whose result is submitted to Hudson (either via web interface, or simply by placing files on the file system, for compatibility ...
Pipeline has support for creating "Shared Libraries" which can be defined in external source control repositories and loaded into existing Pipelines.
Creates a wrapper of this that hides the full stage nodes Use case: returning a minimal view of the run, while using a cached, fully-realized version.
Mar 12, 2023 · This plugin provides an external workspace management system. It facilitates workspace share and reuse across multiple Jenkins jobs. It ...
Aug 2, 2023 · Hi. I have some Groovy scripts that worked just fine in Jenkins 1.x but are now broken in 2.x. This is actually blocking my update, ...
Sep 8, 2023 · Adds the ability to monitor the result of externally executed jobs. Jenkins is useful for monitoring the non-interactive execution of ...
Storage of full build records in an external database. Includes storing build data which is not otherwise listed (such as logs or test results). N/A. Jobs
Describable for defining a disk pool information in the Jenkins global config. Each disk pool should have at least one Disk entry. Author: Alexandru Somai ...
Dec 13, 2022 · My question is: how do I add external/third party jar libraries for use in Active Choice Groovy scripting? In the Jenkins 2.222.x past ...