Represents a component of a support bundle. This is the unit of user consent; when creating a support bundle, the user would enable/disable individual ...
Acceptance Test Harness5814.vdc5d6d484b_40. acceptance-test-harness. Javadoc · Component Information · Access Modifier Annotation1.33.
Class Component. java.lang.Object. hudson.plugins.clearcase.Component. @ExportedBean public class Component extends Object. Author: kyosi. Constructor Summary ...
Unique hash code for object based on fully qualified nave Neccessary if adding objects to hash sets, -maps etc. boolean, isRootLess(). Component ...
Component, Status, Issues, Lead, Description, Default assignee, Actions. 42crunch ... Default component for submitters, who do not know which component is ...
Class Component. java.lang.Object · hudson.plugins.clearcase.ucm.model.UcmSelector. hudson.plugins.clearcase.ucm.model.Component. public class Component extends ...
To filter Descriptor s based on the Describable subtypes, do as follows: return !component.isDescriptorOf(Builder.class);. Parameters: type ...
extends Describable> c). Checks if this component is a Descriptor describing the given type For example, component.isDescriptorOf(Builder.class). double ...
Specify in which Component.ComponentCategory the current component is related. Overrides: getCategory in class Component; Returns: An enum value of ...
Component that attaches files inside FileListCap into a support bundle without filtering the content of the files. Author: stevenchristou ...