Mar 19, 2022 · ... Wikipedia). It is quite neutral and would not make us slip into community bashing. I think that this logo would be appropriate. So +1 for me ...
Sep 8, 2017 · At least some closures are executed only once inside of Groovy CPS DSL scripts managed by the workflow plugin. — Original bug description by ...
Jenkins Pipeline exposes environment variables via the global variable env , which is available from anywhere within a Jenkinsfile . The full list of ...
Sep 4, 2023 · I have multiple jenkins Server running but I cannot access the via Jenkins CLI The jenkins Server is working OK, I downloaded the jenkins ...
This is a guest post by Mark Waite, who maintains the git plugin, the git client plugin, and is a technical evangelist for CloudBees, Inc. The Jenkins project ...
Aug 31, 2022 · Hello, We are using jenkins-inbound agent docker images in a grid computing environment using the Univa Grid Engine - a batch queuing system ...
Consistent hash. This implementation is concurrency safe; additions and removals are serialized, but look up can be performed concurrently even when ...
Oct 27, 2022 · To invoke CMD, I would simply select 'Execute Windows batch command' under 'Build steps' in a Freestyle project to run a .bat script. However, ...
What's Docker? Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers, by providing an additional layer of ...