mod_proxy works by making Apache perform "reverse proxy" — when a request arrives for certain URLs, Apache becomes a proxy and forwards that request to Jenkins, ...
It is possible to use an apache in front of your tomcat instance that runs Jenkins. You will need to compile apache-2.2 with mod_proxy enabled.
LocationAware represents a Tag or Exception which is location aware. That is to say it is capable of recording where in a Jelly script a tag or exception is ...
A RuntimeException which is nested to preserve stack traces. This class allows the following code to be written to convert a regular Exception into a ...
Provides locale-neutral access to string resources. Only the documentation and code are in English. :-) The major goal, aside from globalization, ...
Jan 24, 2024 · Apache HttpComponents Client 5.x API ... This plugin bundles all the components of Apache HttpComponents Client 5.x except httpclient5-win because ...
Jan 24, 2024 · Apache HttpComponents Client 5.x API · Version: 5.3.1-1.0 · Installed on 11.4% of instances · Links · Labels · Maintainers · Help us improve ...
Jelly is a helper class which is capable of running a Jelly script. This class can be used from the command line or can be used as the basis of an Ant task.
Tag represents a Jelly custom tag. A Tag is only ever used by a single thread so that Tag developers do not need to concern themselves with mutli-threading ...
enum used by DomainValidator.updateTLDOverride(DomainValidator.ArrayType, String[]) to determine which override array to update / fetch. DomainValidator.