This page provides information about contributing code to the Jenkins core codebase. ❗ There's a lot more to the Jenkins project than just code.
Look for existing contributing instructions in files like README.md . Move the content from the README.md file to the CONTRIBUTING.md file so that the README ...
Nov 19, 2022 · Here is a few links that hopefully will be useful to you: Contribute code - How to contribute to Jenkins; jenkins/CONTRIBUTING.md at ...
Dec 28, 2022 · Hey I am Shraddha Singh B.tech 2nd year and I am new to open source . I want to start contribution into the projects of Jenkins.
Feb 1, 2023 · Hey, i'm a newbie in contribution and stuffs but i really wanna contribute, Can you please help me or guide me to a page or resources where ...
6 days ago · Have a look at CONTRIBUTING.md. There are 3 easy ways to contribute to this project: Commit and push your changes. git add -A git commit -m " ...
Nov 1, 2022 · Here is a few links that hopefully will be useful to you: Contribute code - How to contribute to Jenkins; jenkins/CONTRIBUTING.md at ...
Nov 20, 2022 · Detailed instructions how to configure the plugin can be found in CONFIG.md. Contributing. If you want to contribute to this project please have ...
Mar 16, 2024 · In Manage Jenkins -> Security -> Markup Formatter select "Markdown Formatter" from the drop down list. Contributing. Refer to our contribution ...