site:jenkins.io actions from wiki.jenkins.io
Action is one of the primary ways that plugins can use to enrich the build/project pages. This extension point has the longest history, and as such its ...
Action s added to a model object creates additional URL subspace under the parent model object, through which it can interact with users. Action s are also ...
Jenkinsfile Runner Action for GitHub Actions defines the dependencies in the prebuilt container or download at the runtime, and wraps the entrypoint in one ...
The basic statements and expressions which are valid in Declarative Pipeline follow the same rules as Groovy's syntax with the following exceptions: The top- ...
Action that contributes environment variables during a build. interface, HealthReportingAction. An Action that can return information about the health of the ...
A run action which reports environment variables. If present, will be used from DefaultStepContext.get(java.lang.Class<T>) on EnvVars after amendment by ...
Records information for a node block. TagsAction. Tracks arbitrary annotations on FlowNode used for a variety of purposes This is designed to have a single ...
Gets all actions of a specified type that contributed to this object. Parameters: type - The type of action to return. Returns: an unmodifiable, possible empty ...
Attached to FlowNode that caused an error. This has to be Action because it's added after a node is created. Constructor Summary ...