Execute the steps in this stage in a newly created container using a different image from the previous stage. ... a stage is similar to the options directive at ...
Dec 10, 2018 · There are now three different Docker Hub repositories that are or have been used as the "official" Jenkins image. This article aims at ...
This plug-in reads a job workspace and collects images to produce an image gallery using colorbox lightbox Javascript library.
Pipeline is designed to easily use Docker images as the execution environment for a single Stage or the entire Pipeline. Meaning that a user can define the ...
This section describes how to get started with creating your Pipeline project in Jenkins and introduces you to the various ways that a Jenkinsfile can be ...
Sep 21, 2022 · Hi. I'm attaching three pictures. I wish to remove the user email address for notification. I'm going to explain through stages:.
Jenkins can be used to perform the typical build server work, such as doing continuous/official/nightly builds, run tests, or perform some repetitive batch ...
An HTML input text box; Dynamically generated HTML (image, iframe, etc.); The dynamically generated HTML option, works with any well-formatted HTML returned by ...
Sep 7, 2021 · This plug-in allows the user to rebuild a parametrized build without entering the parameters again.It will also allow the user to edit the ...
A continuous delivery pipeline is an automated expression of your process for getting software from version control right through to your users and customers.