Tracking file usage across Jenkins jobs using fingerprints. When you have interdependent projects on Jenkins, it often becomes hard to keep track of which ...
Pluggable fingerprint storage API for fingerprints. Author: Sumit Sarin. Nested Class Summary. Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface hudson ...
File fingerprinting is a way to track which version of a file is being used by a job/build, making dependency tracking easy. The fingerprinting engine of ...
Pluggable fingerprint storage API for fingerprints. FingerprintStorageDescriptor. Descriptor for FingerprintStorage . GlobalFingerprintConfiguration. Allows ...
Each Fingerprint object records how a particular object (most typically a file, but it can be generalized to anything else that can be turned into a checksum) ...
Pluggable fingerprint storage API for fingerprints. · Descriptor for FingerprintStorage . · Allows configuring the settings of fingerprints.
Nov 3, 2021 · jenkinsci/credentials-plugin/blob/674e6102b87c6d472ca8d34ee12979904696e097/src/main/java/com/cloudbees/plugins/credentials/CredentialsProvider.
Class Hierarchy. java.lang.Object. hudson.model.AbstractDescribableImpl<T> (implements hudson.model.Describable<T>). jenkins.fingerprints.
Package com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.fingerprints ; A facet to track the usage of a credential for a specific item outside of the context of a build, for ...