JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI)

Deprecated: This plugin has been marked as deprecated. In general, this means that this plugin is either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work.

More information about the cause of this deprecation, and suggestions on how to proceed may be found in the documentation below.

Module bundles for jQuery and jQuery UI (via jquery-detached and jqueryui-detached) (see jenkins-js-modules).

Note: DEPRECATED This JavaScript library can now be easily externalized via the package.json.

import this bundle (see jenkins-js-modules) into your application bundle (in your plugin etc) instead of bundling jQuery or jQuery UI in your application bundle, making your app bundle considerably lighter.

importing the jQuery UI bundle will also result in the jQuery UI CSS being added to the page (namespaced). See below for more details.

HPI Dependency

Your plugin needs to add a dependency on this plugin (to ensure it gets installed in Jenkins).


See to get the latest version.

Using jQuery v2:

(Scroll down for jQuery UI docs)

  • Bundle Id: jquery-detached:jquery2

There are 2 ways of using jquery-detached:jquery2 in your app bundle:

  1. Normal require syntax (synchronous) on the jquery-detached@2 NPM module, and then using a withExternalModuleMapping instruction (jenkins-js-builder) in the app bundle's gulpfile.js.
  2. Lower level import syntax (asynchronous).

require (sync)

If using jenkins-js-builder to create yor application bundle, you can code your application's CommonJS modules to use the more simple CommonJS style require syntax (synch), as opposed to the lower level import syntax (async) of jenkins-js-modules.

When doing it this way, your module code should require the jquery-detached@2 NPM module and call getJQuery to get the jQuery ($) instance e.g.

var $ = require('jquery-detached').getJQuery();

var header = $('#header');

Note: You should install jquery-detached@2 as a dev dependency i.e. npm install --save-dev jquery-detached@2

The above code will work fine as is, but the only downside is that your app bundle will be very bloated as it will include jQuery. To lighten your bundle for the browser (by using a shared instance of jQuery), use jenkins-js-builder to create your app bundle (in your gulpfile.js), telling it to "map" (transform) all synchronous require calls for jquery-detached to async imports of the jquery-detached:jquery2 bundle module (which actually exports jquery-detached) e.g.

var builder = require('jenkins-js-builder');

// Use the predefined tasks from jenkins-js-builder.
builder.defineTasks(['test', 'bundle']);

// Create the app bundle, mapping sync require calls for 'jquery-detached' to 
// async imports of 'jquery-detached:jquery2'.
    .withExternalModuleMapping('jquery-detached', 'jquery-detached:jquery2')

All of the above "magically" translates the appropriate bits of your app bundle's JS code to use async import calls (see below) in a way that just works.

import (async)

You can also use the lower level asynchronous import call (jenkins-js-modules) to get your $ reference.

    .onFulfilled(function(jQuery) {
        var $ = jQuery.getJQuery();
        var header = $('#header');

Note: Using this async import approach makes unit testing of your JavaScript modules more tricky because your test scaffolding code will need to manually export the jquery-detached module as jquery-detached:jquery2 in order for the subsequent import to work without failure. This is not an issue when using the synchronous require approach (see above) because the bundle import is only introduced to the JS code as the bundle is being created.

Using jQuery UI v1:

  • Bundle Id: jquery-detached:jqueryui1
  • CSS Namespace: jquery-ui-1 (see below for more details)

There are 2 ways of using jquery-detached:jqueryui1 in your app bundle:

  1. Normal require syntax (synchronous) on the jqueryui-detached@1 NPM module, and then using a withExternalModuleMapping instruction (jenkins-js-builder) in the app bundle's gulpfile.js.
  2. Lower level import syntax (asynchronous).

require (sync)

If using jenkins-js-builder to create yor application bundle, you can code your application's CommonJS modules to use the more simple CommonJS style require syntax (synch), as opposed to the lower level import syntax (async) of jenkins-js-modules.

When doing it this way, your module code should require the jqueryui-detached NPM module and call getJQueryUI to get the jQuery UI instance (a clean/pristine jQuery instance decorated with the jQuery UI plugin) e.g.

var $ui = require('jqueryui-detached').getJQueryUI();


Note: You should install jqueryui-detached as a dev dependency i.e. npm install --save-dev jqueryui-detached@1

The above code will work fine as is, but the only downside is that your app bundle will be very bloated as it will include both jQuery and jQuery UI. To lighten your bundle for the browser (by using a shared instance of jQuery UI), use jenkins-js-builder to create your app bundle (in your gulpfile.js), telling it to "map" (transform) all synchronous require calls for jqueryui-detached to async imports of the jquery-detached:jqueryui1 bundle (which actually exports jqueryui-detached) e.g.

var builder = require('jenkins-js-builder');

// Use the predefined tasks from jenkins-js-builder.
builder.defineTasks(['test', 'bundle']);

// Create the app bundle, mapping sync require calls for 'jqueryui-detached' to 
// async imports of 'jquery-detached:jqueryui1'.
    .withExternalModuleMapping('jqueryui-detached', 'jquery-detached:jqueryui1')

All of the above "magically" translates the appropriate bits of your app bundle's JS code to use async import calls (see below) in a way that just works.

import (async)

You can also use the lower level asynchronous import call (jenkins-js-modules) to get your $ui reference.

    .onFulfilled(function(jQueryUI) {
        $ui = jQueryUI.getJQueryUI();

Note: Using this async import approach makes unit testing of your JavaScript modules more tricky because your test scaffolding code will need to manually export the jqueryui-detached module as jquery-detached:jqueryui1 in order for the subsequent import to work without failure. This is not an issue when using the synchronous require approach (see above) because the bundle import is only introduced to the JS code as the bundle is being created.

CSS Namespacing / Scoping

importing this bundle will also result in the jQuery UI CSS being added to the page (namespaced). In order to apply jQuery UI v1 CSS rules to portions of page markup, the markup will need to be enclosed in an element containing the jquery-ui-1 class.

<div class="jquery-ui-1">
   <!-- content in here can use jQuery UI v1 CSS rules. -->

Note: Namespacing the CSS rules makes it safer to use multiple versions of the same CSS lib on the same page.

Namespacing pitfalls

The above trick of wrapping the content in a <div class="jquery-ui-1"> will not work for all jQuery UI widgets because, in some cases, jQuery UI will unwrap the content and move it somewhere else before rendering. The Dialog is one such widget that exhibits this behaviour (and apparently Autocomplete too).

Working around this is not all that difficult, but is a bit of a pain. The trick is to do the namespace wrapping via JavaScript after the Dialog has been rendered (and jQuery UI has done it's thing). In the case of the Dialog widget, it offers a dialogClass configuration option which can help with locating of the dialog post rendering.

    dialogClass: "jenkins-plugin-XYZ-dialog",
    modal: true,
    buttons: {
        Ok: function () {
            // etc

// Use the dialogClass (from the options - see above) to locate
// the dialog and then wrap...
$('.jenkins-plugin-XYZ-dialog').wrap('<div class="jquery-ui-1"></div>');