Jul 24, 2017 · This plugin has been designed as a pure experiment during Docker Global Hack Day. It's under active development. Plugin authors are CloudBees ...
Uses Docker containers to run Jenkins build agents.
An $ EphemeralNode using docker containers to host the build processes. Slave is dedicated to a specific $ Job , and even better to a specific build, but when ...
Class DockerSlave.DockerSlaveRunListener. java.lang.Object. hudson.model.listeners.RunListener<hudson.model.Run>. it.dockins.dockerslaves.
... docker-slaves:0.5. Download: direct link, checksums. Version: 1.0.7. Released: 7 years ago. Requires Jenkins 1.651.2. ID: docker-slaves. Installed on 1.75% of ...
Intent here is to allow some infrastructure plugin to prepare a dedicated Docker Host per build, using some higher level isolation, so the build is safe to do ...
Cloud implementation designed to launch a set of containers (aka "pod") to establish a Jenkins executor. Nested Class Summary. Nested Classes ...
A DockerHostSource is responsible to determine (or provision) the dockerhost to host a build for the specified job. ... Implementations: Docker Slaves Plugin: it.
Process launcher which uses docker exec instead of execve Jenkins relies on remoting channel to run commands / process on executor. DockerLauncher(TaskListener ...