Dec 18, 2020 · This plugin shows a dependency graph of the projects. It uses dot (from graphviz) or jsPlumb for drawing.
Dependency Graph Viewer. depgraph-view. permalink to the latest · 1.0.5. Released: Dec 18, 2020. SHA-1: 84d04af883935bc28880b795ac97c4f069f4b459.
This is an extension point which makes it possible to add edges to the DependencyGraph which gets drawn. Note that in order to add your own EdgeProvider you ...
This plugin shows a dependency graph of the projects. It uses dot (from graphviz) or jsPlumb for drawing.
Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin 1.0.5 API ; hudson.plugins.depgraph_view ; hudson.plugins.depgraph_view.model.display ; hudson.plugins.depgraph_view.model.graph.
Constructor Detail. DependencyGraphViewAction. public DependencyGraphViewAction(hudson.model.View view). Method Detail. getProjectsForDepgraph.
This plugin shows a dependency graph of the projects. It uses dot (from graphviz) or jsPlumb for drawing.
graph.DependencyGraph. public class DependencyGraph extends Object. The dependency ... getGraph. public edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph<ProjectNode,Edge> getGraph().
EdgeProvider yielding the dependencies of the Parameterized Trigger Plugin BuildTrigger publisher. Nested Class Summary. Nested classes/interfaces inherited ...
Class Hierarchy. java.lang.Object. hudson.plugins.depgraph_view.AbstractDependencyGraphAction (implements hudson.model.Action). hudson.plugins.depgraph_view ...