:: Interrogates the machine Jenkins slave JNLP start-up parameters and then launches the slave as a JNLP agent. :: The start-up parameters are expected to be injected in by the hypervisor for cloud-based machines. :: e.g. We look for vSphere "userinfo", or a magic script file (as used by OpenStack). :: @ECHO OFF @SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS @SET SCRIPT_FOLDER=%~dp0 @SET SCRIPT_NAME=%~nx0 @SET SCRIPT_LOGFILE=%~dp0%~n0.out.log :: We choose some default JVM options as follows :: "-Xms256M -Xmx4096M" :: Tell java to grab 256megs immediately, and limit itself to 4gigs. :: By default java limits itself to an insufficient amount of memory to correctly process :: all of the Jenkins post-build steps, as they are quite memory-hungry. :: "-Dhudson.remoting.RemoteClassLoader.force=com.sun.jna.Native" :: Ask Jenkins to load the com.sun.jna.Native class on startup. :: The jna library has a class initialisation deadlock bug whereby if one thread tries to :: load com.sun.jna.Native at the same time another thread tries to load com.sun.jna.Pointer, :: they'll each start loading, then realise they need the other class to complete and wait :: (forever) for the other thread to finish its loading. :: In practice, it means the Jenkins SwapSpaceMonitor code can deadlock with Util.isSymlink :: unless we get all that classloading out of the way before there are multiple threads. :: We do not set "-Xrs" for a desktop-based slave because it isn't running "as a service" :: and hence will get killed by logoff events. :: We also create a logging configuration file and tell the slave to use it using the setting :: "-Djava.util.logging.config.file=jenkins-slave.logging.properties" :: and this is done outside the normal JVM_ARGS code because we're only doing it as a JVM ARG :: as a workaround because --loggingConfig doesn't work. @SET DEFAULT_SLAVE_JVM_ARGS=-Xms256M -Xmx4096M -Dhudson.remoting.RemoteClassLoader.force=com.sun.jna.Native @SET countOfConsecutiveSlaveFailures=0 :start_slave @CALL :getSlaveSettings @CALL :runSlave @IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 @( @SET countOfConsecutiveSlaveFailures=0 ) @SET /A countOfConsecutiveSlaveFailures=countOfConsecutiveSlaveFailures+1 @CALL :logMessage "WARNING" "This is slave failure count %countOfConsecutiveSlaveFailures% since bootup or last successful completion." :: The java slave execution stopped, attempt to relaunch it in a short while. @CALL :wait 30 "before attempting a slave relaunch" @CALL :logBlankLine @GOTO start_slave ::*************************************************************************************** :: 1. If %JENKINS_ENV_VARS% batch script exists, then is run to set environment variables that are used to configure the slave. :: 2. If this fails then it attempts to read the configuration settings from the vSphere "guestinfo" data object. :: Success is indicated when SLAVE_JNLP_URL is set. In this case SLAVE_HOME, SLAVE_JVM_ARGS, SLAVE_PARAMS and JAVA_HOME will also be set. :: If the above both fail then they are retried in turn until one of them sets SLAVE_JNLP_URL. :: :getSlaveSettings @CALL :clearSlaveSettings @CALL :getSettingsFromEnvVarsScript @CALL :showSettings EnvVars @IF "%SLAVE_JNLP_URL%" NEQ "" @GOTO :eof @CALL :clearSlaveSettings @CALL :getSettingsFromVMWareGuestInfo @CALL :showSettings GuestInfo @IF "%SLAVE_JNLP_URL%" NEQ "" @GOTO :eof @CALL :wait 2 "before re-attempting to get startup parameters" @CALL :logBlankLine @GOTO getSlaveSettings ::*************************************************************************************** :showSettings :: Logs the settings that we're going to try launching the slave with. :: :: %1 = Where the settings came from @CALL :logMessage "FINE" "%~1" @CALL :logMessage "FINE" "SLAVE_JNLP_URL=%SLAVE_JNLP_URL%" @CALL :logMessage "FINE" "SLAVE_JAR_URL=%SLAVE_JAR_URL%" @CALL :logMessage "FINE" "SLAVE_HOME=%SLAVE_HOME%" @CALL :logMessage "FINE" "JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%" @CALL :logMessage "FINE" "SLAVE_JVM_ARGS=%SLAVE_JVM_ARGS%" @CALL :logMessage "FINE" "SLAVE_PARAMS=%SLAVE_PARAMS%" GOTO :eof :clearSlaveSettings @SET SLAVE_JNLP_URL= @SET SLAVE_JAR_URL= @SET SLAVE_HOME= @SET JAVA_HOME= @SET SLAVE_JVM_ARGS= @SET SLAVE_PARAMS= @GOTO :eof ::*************************************************************************************** :: Get settings from a an environment variable support script. (OpenStack uses this) :: If %SCRIPT_FOLDER%jenkins_startup_vars.cmd does not exist it returns immediately with SLAVE_JNLP_URL left unset. :: Otherwise the script is run and this start-up information is used to set: :: SLAVE_JNLP_URL to %SLAVE_JNLP_URL% :: SLAVE_JAR_URL to %SLAVE_JAR_URL% or, if this is not set, to the JNLP URL with /computer/... replaced with /jnlpJars/slave.jar :: SLAVE_HOME to %SLAVE_JENKINS_HOME% or if this is not set, %SCRIPT_FOLDER% with no trailing backslash. :: SLAVE_JVM_ARGS to %SLAVE_JVM_OPTIONS% or if this is not set, %DEFAULT_SLAVE_JVM_ARGS%. :: SLAVE_PARAMS to -secret "%SLAVE_JNLP_SECRET%" %SLAVE_PARAMETERS% if SLAVE_JNLP_SECRET is set, else just %SLAVE_PARAMETERS. :: JAVA_HOME to %SLAVE_HOME%\jre to ensure job Groovy steps run ok. :: :getSettingsFromEnvVarsScript @SET JENKINS_ENV_VARS=%SCRIPT_FOLDER%jenkins_startup_vars.cmd @CALL :logMessage "FINEST" "Looking for a settings script '%JENKINS_ENV_VARS%'..." @IF NOT EXIST "%JENKINS_ENV_VARS%" @( @CALL :logMessage "FINEST" "... %JENKINS_ENV_VARS%" not found." @GOTO :eof ) @CALL :logMessage "FINEST" "... found settings script '%JENKINS_ENV_VARS%'" @CALL "%JENKINS_ENV_VARS%" @IF "%SLAVE_JNLP_URL%" =="" @GOTO :eof @SET SLAVE_HOME=%SLAVE_JENKINS_HOME% :: Hint: %SCRIPT_FOLDER:~0,-1% is %SCRIPT_FOLDER% without the trailing backslash @IF "%SLAVE_HOME%"=="" @SET SLAVE_HOME=%SCRIPT_FOLDER:~0,-1% @SET SLAVE_JVM_ARGS=%SLAVE_JVM_OPTIONS% @IF "%SLAVE_JVM_ARGS%"=="" @SET SLAVE_JVM_ARGS=%DEFAULT_SLAVE_JVM_ARGS% @IF "%SLAVE_JNLP_SECRET%" NEQ "" @( @IF "%SLAVE_PARAMETERS%" NEQ "" @( @SET SLAVE_PARAMS=-secret "%SLAVE_JNLP_SECRET%" %SLAVE_PARAMETERS% ) ELSE @( @SET SLAVE_PARAMS=-secret "%SLAVE_JNLP_SECRET%" ) ) ELSE @( @SET SLAVE_PARAMS=%SLAVE_PARAMETERS% ) @IF "%SLAVE_JAR_URL%"=="" @( @CALL :calcJenkinsSlaveJarUrlFromSlaveAgentUrl SLAVE_JNLP_URL SLAVE_JAR_URL ) @SET JAVA_HOME=%SLAVE_HOME%\jre\ @GOTO :eof ::*************************************************************************************** :: Get settings from VMWare GuestInfo. :: This is designed to read configuration settings from data that was passed to vSphere for this VM. :: If no GuestInfo is present or has no JNLP URL it returns immediately with SLAVE_JNLP_URL left unset. :: Otherwise sets: :: SLAVE_JNLP_URL to GuestInfo.SLAVE_JNLP_URL or, if this is not set, to GuestInfo.JNLPURL :: SLAVE_JAR_URL to GuestInfo.SLAVE_JAR_URL or, if this is not set, to the JNLP URL with /computer/... replaced with /jnlpJars/slave.jar :: SLAVE_HOME to GuestInfo.SLAVE_HOME or if this is not set, %SCRIPT_FOLDER% with no trailing backslash. :: SLAVE_JVM_ARGS to GuestInfo.SLAVE_JVM_ARGS or if this is not set, %DEFAULT_SLAVE_JVM_ARGS%. :: SLAVE_PARAMS to -secret GuestInfo.SLAVE_SECRET GuestInfo.SLAVE_PARAMETERS if GuestInfo.SLAVE_SECRET is set, else just GuestInfo.SLAVE_PARAMETERS. :: JAVA_HOME to %SLAVE_HOME%\jre to ensure job Groovy steps run ok. :: :getSettingsFromVMWareGuestInfo @CALL :logMessage "FINEST" "Looking for VMWare GuestInfo..." @IF NOT EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\VMWare\VMWare Tools" @( @CALL :logMessage "FINEST" "... VMWare Tools not present." @GOTO :eof ) @CALL :getGuestInfoProperty SLAVE_JNLP_URL SLAVE_JNLP_URL @IF "%SLAVE_JNLP_URL%"=="" @( @CALL :getGuestInfoProperty JNLPURL SLAVE_JNLP_URL ) @IF "%SLAVE_JNLP_URL%"=="" @( @CALL :logMessage "FINEST" "... neither vSphere guestinfo property SLAVE_JNLP_URL or JNLPURL are present." @GOTO :eof ) @CALL :getGuestInfoProperty SLAVE_JAR_URL SLAVE_JAR_URL @IF "%SLAVE_JAR_URL%"=="" @( @CALL :calcJenkinsSlaveJarUrlFromSlaveAgentUrl SLAVE_JNLP_URL SLAVE_JAR_URL ) @CALL :getGuestInfoProperty SLAVE_HOME SLAVE_HOME :: Hint: %SCRIPT_FOLDER:~0,-1% is %SCRIPT_FOLDER% without the trailing backslash @IF "%SLAVE_HOME%"=="" @SET SLAVE_HOME=%SCRIPT_FOLDER:~0,-1% @CALL :getGuestInfoProperty SLAVE_JVM_ARGS SLAVE_JVM_ARGS @IF "%SLAVE_JVM_ARGS%"=="" @SET SLAVE_JVM_ARGS=%DEFAULT_SLAVE_JVM_ARGS% @SET SLAVE_SECRET= @CALL :getGuestInfoProperty SLAVE_SECRET SLAVE_SECRET @SET SLAVE_PARAMS= @CALL :getGuestInfoProperty SLAVE_PARAMETERS SLAVE_PARAMS @IF "%SLAVE_SECRET%" NEQ "" @( @IF "%SLAVE_PARAMS%" NEQ "" @( @SET SLAVE_PARAMS=-secret "%SLAVE_SECRET%" %SLAVE_PARAMS% ) ELSE @( @SET SLAVE_PARAMS=-secret "%SLAVE_SECRET%" ) ) @SET JAVA_HOME=%SLAVE_HOME%\jre\ @GOTO :eof :getGuestInfoProperty ::%1 = property name to read ::%2 = environment variable to set with the result @PUSHD "%ProgramFiles%\VMWare\VMWare Tools" || EXIT /b 1 @FOR /f "tokens=*" %%i IN ('vmtoolsd --cmd "info-get guestinfo.%1"') DO @SET %2=%%i @POPD @EXIT /b 0 ::*************************************************************************************** :calcJenkinsSlaveJarUrlFromSlaveAgentUrl :: Given the URL of the jnlp endpoint, calculates the URL of the slave.jar file. :: i.e. Turns someurl/computer/somename/something into someurl/jnlpJars/slave.jar :: :: %1 = variable name holding slave agent url :: %2 = variable name to be set to base URL @CALL :findSubstring "(1,1,500)" 17 "/slave-agent.jnlp" %1 cjbufsau_indexOfSlashSlaveAgent || EXIT /b 1 @IF "%cjbufsau_indexOfSlashSlaveAgent%"=="" EXIT /b 1 @SET /A cjbufsau_indexOfLastCharOfSlaveName=cjbufsau_indexOfSlashSlaveAgent - 1 @CALL :findSubstring "(1,1,%cjbufsau_indexOfLastCharOfSlaveName%)" 1 "/" %1 cjbufsau_indexOfEndOfComputer || EXIT /b 1 @IF "%cjbufsau_indexOfEndOfComputer%"=="" EXIT /b 1 @SET /A cjbufsau_indexOfSlashBeforeComputer=cjbufsau_indexOfEndOfComputer - 8 @CALL SET %2=%%%1:~0,%cjbufsau_indexOfSlashBeforeComputer%%%jnlpJars/slave.jar || EXIT /b 1 @EXIT /b 0 :findSubstring :: %1 = (max index,step,min index) :: %2 = length of thing to find :: %3 = thing to find (in quotes) :: %4 = name of variable to look in :: %5 = name of variable to set with index of where it was found :: Sets %5 to empty if not found, else to the index. @SET %5= @FOR /L %%i IN %~1 DO @( @CALL :substringIsAtThisIndex %%i %2 "%~3" %4 @IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 @( @SET %5=%%i ) ) @EXIT /b 0 :substringIsAtThisIndex :: %1 = index :: %2 = length of thing to find :: %3 = thing to find :: %4 = name of variable to look in :: returns 0 if it found something, 1 otherwise @CALL SET substringIsAtThisIndex_str=%%%4:~%1,%2%% @IF "%substringIsAtThisIndex_str%"=="%~3" @( @EXIT /b 0 ) @EXIT /b 1 ::*************************************************************************************** :createLoggingConfigFile :: Creates a Java properties file that configures java.util.logging.Logger :: which is what the slave uses to log everything. :: :: %1 = name of our script that's running right now. :: %2 = name of the file to create @CALL :outputLoggingConfigFile "%~1" "%~nx2" >"%~2" @GOTO :eof :outputLoggingConfigFile :: Outputs a Java properties file that configures java.util.logging.Logger :: to stdout. :: %1 = name of our script that's running right now. :: %2 = name of the file we're generating. @ECHO.# Configuration file that controls the slave logging ... if we pass in a JVM @ECHO.# arg -Djava.util.logging.config.file=%~2 @ECHO. @ECHO.# Note: This file was generated by the script @ECHO.# %~1 @ECHO.# at %TIME% on %DATE%. @ECHO.# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY. @ECHO. @ECHO.# Send output to file as well as console. @ECHO.handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler @ECHO. @ECHO.# Log everything equally @ECHO.java.util.logging.FileHandler.level=ALL @ECHO.java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level=ALL @ECHO.java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter=java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter @ECHO.java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter=java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter :: The default log format is: :: %1$tb %1$td, %1$tY %1$tl:%1$tM:%1$tS %1$Tp %2$s%n%4$s: %5$s%6$s%n :: which results in a two-line output e.g. :: Apr 25, 2018 12:55:04 PM org.jenkinsci.remoting.protocol.IOHub processScheduledTasks :: FINEST: 0 scheduled tasks to process :: We want ISO format date/time (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm+zzzz) as it is easier to sort, :: so "%1$tb %1$td, %1$tY %1$tl:%1$tM:%1$tS %1$Tp" becomes "%1$tFT%1$tT.%1$tL%1$tz". :: We also want one line, not two, so "%2$s%n%4$s" becomes "%2$s %4$s", :: but we want the log-level to happen before the log source, so we swap those around :: thus "%2$s %4$s" becomes "%4$s %2$s" :: Lastly, we have to turn % to %% in order to get the desired output from ECHO @ECHO.java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=%%1$tFT%%1$tT.%%1$tL%%1$tz %%4$s %%2$s: %%5$s%%6$s%%n @ECHO. @ECHO.# On the filesystem, we keep up to 9 logs of 50meg each. @ECHO.java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern=jenkins-slave.out.%%g.log @ECHO.java.util.logging.FileHandler.encoding=UTF-8 @ECHO.java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit=52428800 @ECHO.java.util.logging.FileHandler.count=9 @ECHO.java.util.logging.FileHandler.append=true @ECHO. @ECHO.# Log everything ... @ECHO..level= ALL @ECHO.# ... except unwanted FINEST level messages @ECHO.hudson.util.ProcessTree.level=FINER @ECHO.org.jenkinsci.remoting.protocol.level=FINER @ECHO.# ... or unwanted FINER level messages @ECHO.hudson.remoting.FileSystemJarCache.level=FINE @ECHO.hudson.remoting.PipeWindow.level=FINE @ECHO.hudson.remoting.RemoteClassLoader.level=FINE @ECHO.# ... or unwanted FINE level messages @ECHO.hudson.remoting.Channel.level=CONFIG @ECHO.hudson.remoting.ResourceImageDirect.level=CONFIG @ECHO.org.apache.commons.digester3.level=CONFIG @ECHO.org.apache.commons.beanutils.level=CONFIG @ECHO.org.apache.http.client.protocol.level=CONFIG @ECHO.org.apache.http.impl.level=CONFIG @ECHO. @GOTO :eof ::*************************************************************************************** :logMessage :: Logs a message, rotating the logfile as required. :: Has hard-coded log size (10meg) and number (9). :: :: %SCRIPT_LOGFILE% = logfile to log to, or empty to just log to stdout. :: %1 = log level, e.g. INFO, WARNING etc. :: %2 = log message @IF NOT "%SCRIPT_LOGFILE%"=="" @CALL :ensureLogExistsAndIsRotated "%SCRIPT_LOGFILE%" 9 10485760 @CALL :writeToLog "%SCRIPT_LOGFILE%" "%~1" "%~2" @GOTO :eof :logBlankLine :: As :logMessage, but logs a blank line. :: :: %SCRIPT_LOGFILE% = logfile to log to, or empty to just log to stdout. @IF NOT "%SCRIPT_LOGFILE%"=="" @CALL :ensureLogExistsAndIsRotated "%SCRIPT_LOGFILE%" 9 10485760 @CALL :writeBlankLineToLog "%SCRIPT_LOGFILE%" @GOTO :eof :ensureLogExistsAndIsRotated :: Ensures that the logfile exists, :: and rotates the logfiles if the logfile is too large. :: :: %1 = logfile to log to, or empty for just logging to stdout :: %2 = number of rotated logs to keep :: %3 = maximum size of one logfile in bytes @IF NOT EXIST "%~1" @( @IF NOT EXIST "%~dp1" @MKDIR "%~dp1" || @EXIT /b 1 @COPY NUL "%~1" >NUL || @EXIT /b 1 ) @IF %~z1 GEQ %~3 @( @PUSHD "%~dp1" @CALL :rotateLogs "%~nx1" %2 @POPD ) @GOTO :eof :writeToLog :: Logs a message with a timestamp to the console and optionally to a file as well. :: :: %1 = logfile to log to, or empty for just logging to stdout :: %2 = log level, e.g. INFO, WARNING etc. :: %3 = log message :: :: Get time as :: YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ssssss+zzz :: where .ssssss is microseconds and zzz is offset in minutes from GMT. @FOR /F %%A IN ('WMIC OS GET LocalDateTime ^| FINDSTR \.') DO @SET writeToLog_LDT=%%A :: So: :: YYYY is offset 0 length 4 :: MM is offset 4 length 2 :: DD is offset 6 length 2 :: hh is offset 8 length 2 :: mm is offset 10 length 2 :: ss is offset 12 length 2 :: milliseconds is offset 15 length 3 :: + or - is offset 21 length 1 :: zzz is offset 22 length 3 :: We want :: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss.sss+ZZzz :: where sss is milliseconds and ZZzz is hhmm offset from GMT. :: So first we work out ZZzz @SET writeToLog_LDTzzz=%writeToLog_LDT:~22,3% :: Strip off leading zeros from zzz otherwise SET will think it is octal @IF "%writeToLog_LDTzzz:~0,1%"=="0" @SET writeToLog_LDTzzz=%writeToLog_LDTzzz:~1,2% @IF "%writeToLog_LDTzzz:~0,1%"=="0" @SET writeToLog_LDTzzz=%writeToLog_LDTzzz:~1,1% :: Split zzz into hours and minutes, albeit unpadded @SET /A writeToLog_tsTzmm="writeToLog_LDTzzz %% 60" @SET /A writeToLog_tsTzhh="writeToLog_LDTzzz / 60" :: Pad hh and mm with leading zero if they need it @IF %writeToLog_tsTzmm% LSS 10 @SET writeToLog_tsTzmm=0%writeToLog_tsTzmm% @IF %writeToLog_tsTzhh% LSS 10 @SET writeToLog_tsTzhh=0%writeToLog_tsTzhh% :: Now construct the full timestamp @SET writeToLog_tsPlusOrMinusZZzz=%writeToLog_LDT:~21,1%%writeToLog_tsTzhh%%writeToLog_tsTzmm% @SET writeToLog_tsYYYYMMDD=%writeToLog_LDT:~0,4%-%writeToLog_LDT:~4,2%-%writeToLog_LDT:~6,2% @SET writeToLog_tshhmmssmilliseconds=%writeToLog_LDT:~8,2%:%writeToLog_LDT:~10,2%:%writeToLog_LDT:~12,2%.%writeToLog_LDT:~15,3% @SET writeToLog_ts=%writeToLog_tsYYYYMMDD%T%writeToLog_tshhmmssmilliseconds%%writeToLog_tsPlusOrMinusZZzz% @ECHO.%writeToLog_ts% %~2 %~3 @IF NOT "%~1"=="" @ECHO.%writeToLog_ts% %~2 %~3>>%~1 @GOTO :eof :writeBlankLineToLog :: Logs a blank line to the console and optionally to a file as well. :: :: %1 = logfile to log to, or empty for just logging to stdout @ECHO. @IF NOT "%~1"=="" @ECHO.>>%~1 @GOTO :eof :rotateLogs :: Does a "rotate" on a set of logfiles. i.e. log foo.log becomes foo.1.log, but foo.1.log becomes foo.2.log etc, up to a maxiumum. :: If there are "gaps" in the numbers then we do not rotate any more than necessary. :: Note: This assumes that the logfiles are in the current directory. :: :: %1 = base name of the file to "rotate" :: %2 = maximum number to keep @CALL :rotateLog "%~1" 0 %2 @GOTO :eof :rotateLog :: When we process the first one, we always rotate on the assumption that we are about to be overwritten if we do not. :: When we process the rest, we stop if we find a gap. :: If we "process" the last one, we delete that "max" one. :: %1 = base name of the file to "rotate" :: %2 = number we are processing here :: %3 = max we should go up to @CALL :getRotatedLogfileName "%~1" %2 rotateLog_currentName @IF NOT EXIST "%rotateLog_currentName%" @GOTO :eof @IF "%2"=="%3" ( @DEL "%rotateLog_currentName%" @GOTO :eof ) @SET rotateLog_currentNumber=%2 @SET /A rotateLog_prevNumber=rotateLog_currentNumber-1 @CALL :getRotatedLogfileName "%~1" %rotateLog_prevNumber% rotateLog_prevName @IF NOT "%rotateLog_prevName%"=="" ( @IF NOT EXIST "%rotateLog_prevName%" @( GOTO :eof ) ) @SET /A rotateLog_nextNumber=rotateLog_currentNumber+1 @CALL :rotateLog "%~1" %rotateLog_nextNumber% %3 ::That will have overwritten our variables, so re-set them. @SET rotateLog_currentNumber=%2 @SET /A rotateLog_nextNumber=rotateLog_currentNumber+1 @CALL :getRotatedLogfileName "%~1" %rotateLog_currentNumber% rotateLog_currentName @CALL :getRotatedLogfileName "%~1" %rotateLog_nextNumber% rotateLog_nextName @REN "%rotateLog_currentName%" "%rotateLog_nextName%" @GOTO :eof :getRotatedLogfileName :: %1 = base name of the file to "rotate", e.g. foo.log :: %2 = number we are processing here :: %3 = name of the variable to be set to the logfile name @IF "%2"=="0" @( @SET %3=%~1 ) ELSE @( @IF "%2"=="-1" @( @SET %3= ) ELSE @( @SET %3=%~n1.%2%~x1 ) ) @GOTO :eof ::*************************************************************************************** :: Create the Jenkins home folder if it does not exist. :: If we have been told where to get slave.jar from then we download it. :: If not, and the Jenkins home folder does not already contain a slave jar, then fail. :: Finally, we run the Jenkins JNLP start-up command. :: We only return once the slave has exited, i.e. crashed, died, disconnected etc. :: If we managed to run the slave and it exited with code zero then we return 0. :: If we ran the slave and it exited with a non-zero code then we return 1. :: If we did not manage to start it, we return 1. :: :runSlave @IF NOT EXIST "%JAVA_HOME%" @( @CALL :logMessage "ERROR" "JAVA_HOME folder %JAVA_HOME% does not exist." @EXIT /b 1 ) @IF EXIST "%SLAVE_HOME%" @( @CALL :logMessage "FINER" "... %SLAVE_HOME% already exists." ) ELSE @( @CALL :logMessage "INFO" "... creating folder %SLAVE_HOME% ..." @MD "%SLAVE_HOME%" || EXIT /b 1 ) @CALL :createLoggingConfigFile "%SCRIPT_FOLDER%%SCRIPT_NAME%" "%SLAVE_HOME%\jenkins-slave.logging.properties" || EXIT /b 1 @IF NOT "%SLAVE_JAR_URL%"=="" @( @CALL :logMessage "INFO" "... Downloading slave.jar from %SLAVE_JAR_URL%" @IF EXIST "%SLAVE_HOME%\slave.jar" @( @DEL "%SLAVE_HOME%\slave.jar" >NUL 2>&1 ) @powershell -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Enum]::GetValues([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]); (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%SLAVE_JAR_URL%','%SLAVE_HOME%\slave.jar')" @IF ERRORLEVEL 1 @( @CALL :logMessage "ERROR" "... Download of %SLAVE_JAR_URL% failed." @DEL "%SLAVE_HOME%\slave.jar" >NUL 2>&1 ) ) @IF NOT EXIST "%SLAVE_HOME%\slave.jar" @( @CALL :logMessage "ERROR" "We need slave JAR file %SLAVE_HOME%\slave.jar to proceed." @EXIT /b 1 ) @CALL :logMessage "INFO" "PUSHD %SLAVE_HOME%" @PUSHD "%SLAVE_HOME%" || EXIT /b 1 @SET _cmdLine=%JAVA_HOME%bin\java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=jenkins-slave.logging.properties %SLAVE_JVM_ARGS% -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl %SLAVE_JNLP_URL% %SLAVE_PARAMS% @CALL :logMessage "INFO" "%_cmdLine%" @%_cmdLine% @CALL :logMessage "INFO" "... slave has exited with code %ERRORLEVEL%" @IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 @( @POPD @EXIT /b 0 ) ELSE @( @POPD @EXIT /b 1 ) @GOTO :eof ::*************************************************************************************** :: Output a message and wait for the given number of seconds. :wait @SET seconds=%1 @SET msg=%~2 @SET /A secondsPlusOne=seconds+1 @CALL :logMessage "FINER" "Waiting %seconds% seconds %msg%..." @ping -n %secondsPlusOne% -4 >NUL @CALL :logMessage "FINER" "...Wait is over." @GOTO :eof