Jenkins : Zubhium Plugin

Deprecated: This plugin has been removed from the Jenkins Update Centre

The Zubhium service no longer exists.
Archived versions of this plugin remain available for download.

See also:

Plugin Information

No information for the plugin 'zubhium' is available. It may have been removed from distribution.

This plugin uses the Zubhium upload API to allow uploading your Android .apk files to


Version 0.1.6 (August 15 2012)
  • Bugfix release
    • Fixed a NPE affecting all who updated from 0.1.4 to 0.1.5 without re-saving their job configuration.
Version 0.1.5 (August 12 2012)
  • Introduced "replace" - Flag, which you can use to overwrite already uploaded apks.
Version 0.1.4 (May 18 2012)
  • Initial version