Jenkins : VsTestRunner Plugin

Plugin Information

View VSTest Runner on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin allow you to execute test using VsTest command line tool.


This plugin allow you to execute test using VsTest command line tool.
VSTest are test classes for .NET framework which are integrated into Visual Studio.


System configuration

  1. Open the system configuration page "Manage Jenkins→Global Tool Configuration"
  2. Enter the path to the VsTest command line client, that should be used by Jenkins.
  • The path location is as instance: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe.

Job configuration



VsTest Version

Select VsTest Version.

Test Files

Specify the path to your VsTest compiled assemblies.
You can specify multiple test assemblies by separating them with new-line or space.

Settings File

Run tests with additional settings such as data collectors.

Test Name

Run tests with names that match the provided values.
To provide multiple values, separate them by commas.

Test Case Filter

Run tests that match the given expression.
<Expression> is of the format <property>=<value>VsTestRunner Plugin.

Enable Code Coverage

Enables data diagnostic adapter CodeCoverage in the test run.


Runs the tests in an isolated process.

Use Vsix Extensions

This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed (if any) in the test run.

Use VS 2017 or LaterThis makes changes to the arguments passed to the VS Test Agent in order to ensure compatibility with the latest version.


Target platform architecture to be used for test execution.

.NET Framework Version

Target .NET Framework version to be used for test execution.

Specify a logger for test results.

Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /Logger:trx.

Command Line Arguments

This is a whitespace separated list of command line arguments you can specify. These can be the same as if you were to run VsTest from the command line.

Fail build on test failure

Fail build on test failure


Version 1.0.5 (10/24/2017)
  • To be updated with description of changes and links to the resolved issues.
Version 1.0.4 (08/31/2014)
Version 1.0.3 (10/21/2013)
Version 1.0.2 (07/24/2013)
  • Supports Jenkins variable.
    I can be used in the following items.
    • Test Files
    • Settings File
    • Test Name
    • Test Case Filter
    • Command Line Arguments
  • I Fixed a bug that was not used by the "Command Line Arguments".
Version 1.0.1 (03/09/2013)

Mod default value.

  • Plaform Field: None
  • .NET Framework Version Field: None
  • Specify a logger for test results. Field: trx
Version 1.0.0 (01/29/2013)

Initial release.