Plugin Information |
View Vmware vRealize CodeStream on the plugin site for more information. |
Provide integration with vRealize Code Stream
Job Configuration
1. Build step : On Job configuration page click on Add build step select “Execute CodeStream Pipeline” option
2. Configure : Configure CodeStream pipeline like show in image. Below is the description of each field
- Server URl - vRealize CodeStream host URL
- Tenant - User group tenant against which you want to execute the pipeline
- User Name - Username for given tenant. User should have Release Manager or Release Engineer Role.
- Password - Password for given user
- Release Pipeline Name - Pipeline which you want to execute. Pipeline should be activate and its latest version will be executed.
- Execute and Wait - If this checkbox is checked the job will wait for pipeline execution to complete or fail.
- Add Parameter - If you want to override default value of any pipeline property then you can use this option. Click on Add Parameter and provide property name in Parameter Name. New value in Parameter Value. For all the other properties default value will be used.
Plugin publish below o/p Jenkins parameters once the execution is complete.
- CS_PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID - Pipeline execution id
- CS_PIPELINE_EXECUTION_STATUS - Pipeline execution status. This parameter is available only if "Execute and wait" checkbox is checked.
- CS_PIPELINE_EXECUTION_RES - Pipeline execution object as JSON. This parameter is available only if "Execute and wait" checkbox is checked.