This plugin runs your jobs using .travis.yml file in your project.
Plugin Information |
View Travis YML on the plugin site for more information. |
Install by navigating and selecting Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Travis YML Plugin
Add to your workspace on the root folder a .travis.yml, this plugin accept the next phases of lifecycle:
- before_install
- install
- before_script
- script
- after_success
- after_failure
- before_deploy
- deploy
- after_deploy
- after_script
If you have any failure on your build and want to review the final generated, you should declare the environment variable DEBUG_TRAVIS_YML either on your build node or in jenkins.
ChangelogVersion 0.2.2 (13 Nov, 2016)
- Added debug mode
Version 0.2.1 (23 Oct, 2016)
- fix echo not escaping first parameter.
- export enviroment variables escape non alpha-numeric character identifiers
Version 0.2.0 (19 Oct, 2016)
- Escape complex bash commands echo problem.
- Added expansion of enviroment variables
- Support "before_deploy", "deploy" and "after_deploy"
Version 0.1.0 (30 Jul, 2014)
- Initial release to
- Support "env" in .travis.yml
- Support "before_install", "install", "before_script", "script", and "after_script" in .travis.yml
- Support "after_success" and "after_failure" in .travis.yml
Know Issues
.travis.yml build not save
downgrade 'ruby-runtime' plugin back to v0.12
Logomakr_5059hu.png (image/png)