Plugin Information |
View Test stability history on the plugin site for more information. |
Developed By
This plugin adds historical information about the stability of tests - i.e. the percentage how often they failed.
Version 2.x
The plugin now implements newer APIs which allow it to work with Pipeline builds. The version has been bumped to 2.x because the test-stability plugin now requires Jenkins Core 1.596 (instead of 1.480) and no longer supports the old Additional test report features (fixed) workaround.
Configure the maximal history length (default is 30)
Enable the Additional test report features.
For Jenkins < 1.530 only! (Plugin version 1.0 only)
Note that for maven jobs you must use the Additional test report features (fixed) as the built-in Jenkins one is broken up until Jenkins 1.529.
Pipeline usage (Plugin version 2.x or later)
Instead of using this in your Jenkinsfile to collect test results:
junit '**/*.xml'
you should use this:
junit testResults: '**/*.xml', testDataPublishers: [[$class: 'StabilityTestDataPublisher']]
Test health
Example test result:
test-stability-global-config.PNG (image/png)
test-stability-maven-config.PNG (image/png)