Not in any particular order.
- Fold changes from JENKINS-2879(ST plugin branch http://fisheye.jenkins-ci.org/browse/Hudson/branches/starteam-0.3-SNAPSHOT/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/starteam)
- Change-log (in)
- file name (? full, workspace relative or just pure file name without path?)
- change indicator (? added, removed, changed, rollback, dirty ?)
- Checkout on label (in)
- Checkout on promotion state (in)
- Checkout as at current time
- Checkout as-of time? (in code - not exposed)
- Checkout polling (in)
- Multi-folder checkout (still out)
- separate reapatable setting block ??
- Change-log (in)
- Improve javadoc
- Meaningful description for all classes
- Improve unit tests (needs more specific goals)
- Increase test coverage
- Add comments to tests
- Add messages to assertions
- Improve testing
- create a self-contained test
- Implement StarTeamRepositoryBrowser - probably topic for a whole new project/plugin (low priority)
Open Questions
- Is time information of checkouts accurate?
- Is there influencoe of ST server time zone? Hudson's ? slaves?
- Is implementation safe for remote Hudson slaves?