Jenkins : Summary Display

Version 1.1.0 Documentation


To ensure that you are viewing the correct documentation, the title of this Informational box should reflect the most recent version of the ZAP Jenkins Plugin.

 Latest Release



Summary Display: Job Configurations

Jenkins JOB_NAME Configure Post-build Actions Archive the artifacts


  1. Files to archive

    • (info) reports/*, logs/* or  reports/*.html, reports/*.xhtml, reports/*.xml, reports/*.json, logs/*
  2. Excludes(info) Files you don't want archived.

    Notice: Only enter a value for Excludes if also using HTML Publisher and you want to exclude its' report from being archived.


Summary Display: Build Archive


Info: All the file(s) that match the extension(s) above will be accessible in the build folder.

Info: Need to generate a report in order for it to be archived.