Jenkins : SoapUI Pro Functional Testing Plugin

Plugin Information

View ReadyAPI Functional Testing on the plugin site for more information.

Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:


A SmartBear plugin used to run SoapUI Pro tests from Jenkins builds.


  • The project you want to run must be saved in ReadyAPI version 2.1.0 or later.
  • The Jenkins node where you want to run your test must have ReadyAPI installed with an activated SoapUI Pro license. You can install and activate the license from a Jenkins build. To learn how to do that, see ReadyAPI documentation.

Important Note

Make sure you run Jenkins under the same user account you used to activate the SoapUI Pro license. Otherwise, you will get the "License not found" error. To learn how to fix this issue, see ReadyAPI documentation.


The build step has the following settings:

  • Path to testrunner - Specifies the fully-qualified path to the runner file (testrunner.bat or By default, you can find it in the <ReadyAPI installation>/bin directory.
  • Path to SoapUI Pro project - Specifies the fully-qualified path to the SoapUI Pro project you want to run.
  • Test Suite - Specifies the test suite to run. To run all the test suites of your project, leave the field blank.
  • Test Case - Specifies the test case to run. If you leave the field blank, the runner will execute all the test cases of the specified test suite, or, if you have not specified a test suite, all the test cases of your project.
  • Project Password - Specifies the encryption password, if you encrypted the entire project or some of its custom properties.
  • Environment - Specifies the environment configuration for the test run.


After the build is over, the plugin creates the following reports:

  • A printable PDF report, which is published to Jenkins. To view it, open the build page you are interested in and select SoapUI Pro Test Results on the left. Also, the link to the report is available at the end of the Console Output log.
  • A JUnit-Style HTML report, which is available in the Jenkins workspace directory.
  • A JUnit report, which is published to Jenkins. To view it, open the build page you are interested in and select Test Results on the left.

More information

You can find more information on how to use the plugin in ReadyAPI documentation.

Version history

Version 1.1 (August 7, 2018)

  • New feature: A printable PDF report is now published to Jenkins.
  • Fixed: When a test failed, the build was not marked as failed.
  • Fixed: JUnit reports were not published if the build was run on a slave computer.
  • Fixed: The optional fields were required in the Blue Ocean UI.

Version 1.0 (June 5, 2018)

  • Initial release.