Jenkins : Sensedia Api Platform Plugin

Plugin Information

View Sensedia Api Platform tools on the plugin site for more information.


It is a continuous integration and continuous delivery plugin for Sensedia API Platform


Sensedia Api Platform manager URL

URL Example

Sensedia Api Platform integration token

Request the integration token by Sensedia Zendesk

Set this informations in Jenkins > Configuration > Sensedia API Platform Configuration


Get Api Json

Get the Api code, by Id. This Id can be seen at the Api URL on Sensedia API Platform Manager


sensediaApiJson : string(ApiId)

Pipeline script
stage ("Get Api"){
	sensediaApiJson "204" 

This function save de api code in the workspace job (filename = api.json). The other functions uses this code to work. If you don't want to use this function, will need to save a api code in the workspace with a file name "api.json"

Quality Analyst

It validate the best pratices on API. The destination search for hard coded endpoints, logInterceptor validates if log interceptor is too used and resourceOutOfSize if the path is too large

sensediaApiQA: boolean (destination), boolean (logInterceptor), boolean (resourceOutOfSize)

Pipeline script
stage ("Quality Analyst"){
	sensediaApiQA(destination: true, logInterceptor: true, resourceOutOfSize: true)

If one of them is not set, the test will be skipped


Performs a deployment in the enviroment

sensediaApiJson : string(enviroment name)

Pipeline script
stage ("Production deploy"){
	sensediaApiDeploy(enviromentName: "Production")

By default the Api revision deployed is the last

Step-by-step guide


  1. Download and install Sensedia API Platform plugin
  2. In "Configure System" > "Sensedia Api Platform Configuration" section, put the URL and Token values

  3. Create new Pipeline Job

  4. In section "Pipeline" put the script according to your process. See an example below

    Pipeline script
    node {
        stage ("Get API"){
            sensediaApiJson "204"
        stage ("Quality Analyst"){
            sensediaApiQA(destination: true, logInterceptor: true, resourceOutOfSize: true)
        stage ("Deploy"){
            sensediaApiDeploy(enviromentName: "Production")
  5. Build pipeline



configuration.jpg (image/jpeg)
newjob.jpg (image/jpeg)
apiUrl.jpg (image/jpeg)
pipelineRun.jpg (image/jpeg)
jenkinsConfig.jpg (image/jpeg)