Jenkins : Rebuild Plugin

Plugin Information

View Rebuilder on the plugin site for more information.

Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:

This plug-in allows the user to rebuild a parametrized build without entering the parameters again.It will also allow the user to edit the parameters before rebuilding.


Once you installed this plug-in whenever you execute a parametrized build you will get a rebuild button in the left pane of the run as shown in the image. If you want to execute the build with same parameters, rebuild plug-in will allow you to build it through rebuild button.If you want to edit some of the existing parameters, the rebuild plug-in will allow you to edit the existing parameters and build it.

How to rebuild

Steps to rebuild

  • Select the run of the job which you want to rerun.
  • There will be a Rebuild button as shown in the image given below.
  • Click on the Rebuild button. A configuration page contains the existing parameters will appear as shown in the below image.
  • If you want to edit some existing parameters(for ex: name and choice) , you can edit it and Rebuild it by clicking the Rebuild button.

Change Log

Version 1.31 (Apr 28, 2019)

  • Make sure that a single instance of UserIDCause and RebuildCause are added to the build causes

Version 1.30 (Mar 25, 2019)

Version 1.29 (Sep 25, 2018)

Version 1.28 (Mar 28, 2018)

  • Updated required Jenkins Core to 1.642.3
  • Additional Null-checks
  • Fix root-url
  • Handle NodeParameters correctly

Version 1.27 (Oct 18, 2017)

* Display more informative error messages

* Ensure inherited parameters are added to rebuilds

Version 1.25 (Jun 25, 2015)

*Add option to disable the rebuild plugin on the project level

Version 1.20 (Sept 13, 2013)

*Fixed JENKINS-15882.

*Fixed JENKINS-14828.

*Blocked rebuilding matrix configuration alone.

*Rebuild option for parameter less build.

Version 1.18 (Feb 24, 2013)

* Fix JENKINS-16874 - java.lang.NullPointerException: Current Project is null

Version 1.17 (Feb 06, 2013)

*"Rebuild Last"  feature allows to rebuild last build implemented.

* JENKINS-14905 fixed.

Version 1.16 (Nov 14, 2012)

*Rebuild support for non parametrized build

Version 1.16 (Nov 14, 2012)

*Rebuild support for non parametrized build

*Required Jenkins Core Version is 1.481.

Version 1.15 (Oct 12, 2012)

*Rebuild support for jobs having subversion/text parameter

*Required Jenkins Core Version is 1.481.

Version 1.14 (July 8, 2012)

* fix JENKINS-11770 add support for NodeLabel parameter plugin

Version 1.13 (June 11, 2012)

* Enabled rebuild plugin support for parametrized triggered plugin with basic type of parameters like String-parameter,Boolean-parameter,
  File-parameter,Text-parameter and Password-parameter. Currently there is no support for Run-parameter for Parametrized triggered plugin.

* Disabled the rebuild option for sub jobs of matrix build.

Version 1.12 (June 06, 2012)

* Fix reponed JENKINS-13647

Version 1.11 (May 13, 2012)

* Fix NullPointerException for JENKINS-13647

Version 1.7 (Mar 2, 2011)

  • Enhanced the rebuild plug-in so that the editing option of build parameters before rebuild is introduced. [Doesnt have backward compatibility. An exception at startup. Seems minor and e are working on fix however doesnt affect functionality]

Version 1.4 (Sept 15, 2010)

  • Disabling the rebuild option while selecting Run and File parameters is implemented

Version 1.1 (Jul 16, 2010)


Rebuild-Plugin.jpg (image/jpeg)
Rebuild_Button.JPG (image/jpeg)
Rebuild_Config.JPG (image/jpeg)
Rebuild_Button.JPG (image/jpeg)
Rebuild_Button1.JPG (image/jpeg)
Rebuild_Config1.JPG (image/jpeg)
rebuild1.jpg (image/jpeg)
plugins.png (image/png)
1234.JPG (image/jpeg)
rebuild-options.png (image/png)
image2018-3-20 19:31:59.png (image/png)
image2018-3-20 19:32:17.png (image/png)
image2018-3-20 19:42:12.png (image/png)
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