Jenkins : RapidDeploy plugin

Plugin Information

View RapidDeploy on the plugin site for more information.

Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:

Developed by


This plugin provides the best way of using all the functionality and benefits of RapidDeploy from a Jenkins job or pipeline. For the moment, this functionality includes:

  • Creating a deployment package on RapidDeploy.

  • Deploying a project on RapidDeploy.

  • Running a job plan on RapidDeploy.

It is strictly necessary the version of RapidDeploy targeted when using this plugin is 3.3.23 or higher. Some of the features provided may also require a higher version of RapidDeploy for specific functionality.


RapidDeploy project deployment

Invokes a project deployment on a RapidDeploy server as either a build step or post-build action. Multiple deployments can be executed sequentially or in parallel. You can check the result and the process logs in the Jenkins build output.

This task can be used with RapidDeploy 3.3.23 or higher.


  • RapidDeploy server URL: the URL to the RapidDeploy server you want to connect to, including the protocol (e.g.:
  • RapidDeploy authentication token: the authentication token used to connect to the RapidDeploy server. It can be generated by the MidVision encrypter tool.
  • RapidDeploy project name: the name of the RapidDeploy project you want to deploy.
  • RapidDeploy project target name: the RapidDeploy project target to deploy to (i.e.: SERVER.INSTALLATION.CONFIGURATION).
  • Deployment package name: the name of the RapidDeploy deployment package to deploy. Leave this field blank or set it to "LATEST" if you want to deploy the latest package.
  • Asynchronous job: this option allows the step to run asynchronously. The Jenkins job will continue to the next Jenkins step immediately once the project deployment request has been made to RapidDeploy. Use this option to deploy projects in parallel. (Synchronous jobs are supported from RapidDeploy version 3.4.0+)

RapidDeploy package creation

Invokes a deployment package creation on a RapidDeploy server as either a build step or post-build action. You can check the result and the process logs in the Jenkins build output.

This task can be used with RapidDeploy 3.4.5 or higher.

For this particular Jenkins step, when using the version 3.7 or higher of the plugin it is requested to target a RapidDeploy version 4.0 or above.


  • RapidDeploy server URL: the URL to the RapidDeploy server you want to connect to, including the protocol (e.g.:
  • RapidDeploy authentication token: the authentication token used to connect to the RapidDeploy server. It can be generated by the MidVision encrypter tool.
  • RapidDeploy project name: the name of the RapidDeploy project for which you want to create a new deployment package.

  • Package name: the name of the RapidDeploy deployment package you are creating. If not provided, an automatic version incremental name will be used based on the latest package name.
  • Archive extension: the extension of the deployment package file to generate: jar, war, ear, tar, rar or zip.

RapidDeploy job plan runner

Invokes a job plan run on a RapidDeploy server as either a build step or post-build action. Multiple job plans can be executed sequentially or parallel. You can check the result and the process logs in the Jenkins build output.

This task can be used with RapidDeploy 3.3.23 or higher.


  • RapidDeploy server URL: the URL to the RapidDeploy server you want to connect to, including the protocol (e.g.:
  • RapidDeploy authentication token: the authentication token used to connect to the RapidDeploy server. It can be generated by the MidVision encrypter tool.
  • RapidDeploy job plan: the ID of the RapidDeploy job plan you want to run.
  • Asynchronous job: this option allows the step to run asynchronously. The Jenkins job will continue to the next Jenkins step immediately once the job plan run request has been made to RapidDeploy. Use this option to run job plans in parallel. (Synchronous jobs are supported from RapidDeploy version 3.4.0+)
  • Show full logs: this option allows the user to see the logs of all the individual project deployments included in the job plan.

Jenkins Pipeline steps

rdPackageBuild: invokes a RapidDeploy deployment package creation.

  • serverUrl
    • Type: String
  • authToken
    • Type: String
  • project
    • Type: String
  • packageName (optional)
    • Type: String
  • archiveExtension (optional)
    • Type: String

rdProjectDeploy: invokes a RapidDeploy project deployment.

  • serverUrl
    • Type: String
  • authToken
    • Type: String
  • project
    • Type: String
  • target
    • Type: String
  • deploymentPackageName (optional)
    • Type: String
  • asynchronous (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • dictionary (optional)
    • Type: Map

rdJobPlanRun: invokes a RapidDeploy job plan run.

  • serverUrl
    • Type: String
  • authToken
    • Type: String
  • jobPlanId
    • Type: int
  • asynchronous (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • showFullLogs (optional)
    • Type: boolean


Version 4.0 (March, 2019)


All the references to the term ‘’Environment” or "Logical environment" have been replaced by the term “Target” to become properly consistent with the new terminology of RapidDeploy 5.

All the functionality that was duplicated on the Jenkins build steps and post-build actions, especially the calls to the RapidDeployConnector, was fully refactored into a single class.

New functionality for the Jenkins Pipeline was included in the plugin in the form of 3 new pipeline steps:

  • rdPackageBuild: for RapidDeploy deployment packages creation.

  • rdProjectDeploy: for RapidDeploy project deployments.

  • rdJobPlanRun: for RapidDeploy job plan runs.

Version 3.10 (March, 2017)


Added new feature that provides the ability to pass data dictionary values to the deployment as Jenkins parameters in a parametrized build. Specify
data dictionary parameters as @@PARAMETER_NAME@@. In RapidDeploy a new package will be created with the overridden parameter(s) injected.

This feature is available from RapidDeploy 4.2.2 onwards.

Version 3.9 (December, 2016)


Added new RapidDeploy job plan runner as a Build and Post-build step to be able to run job plans from RapidDeploy.

Version 3.8 (November, 2016)


Added support for parametrized builds. Now, to select a package version to deploy on RapidDeploy there is the option to use a Jenkins parameter.

Version 3.2 (September, 2014)


Support all ssl certifications (works with untrusted https urls too). 

Change fields from list to combobox, which will autocomplete the the project/environment/package names when typing, with the ability to manually enter fields.

Version 3.1 (March, 2014)


Added asynchronous execution option for project deploy steps.

Version 3.0 (March, 2014)


Added package build step.

Version 2.1 (September, 2013)


Added dynamic lists for project deploy fields. Project deploy step can be invoked as either a buildstep and postbuildstep.

Version 1.0 (July, 2013)


Added initial version of project deploy postbuild step


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