Jenkins : Parasoft Findings Plugin

Plugin Information

View Parasoft Findings on the plugin site for more information.

Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:

Since 10.4.2 this plugin has been integrated with the Warnings Next Generation Plugin to visualize static analysis results. Make a copy of all your job configuration settings prior to upgrading from a previous version of the Parasoft Findings Plugin for Jenkins. All settings from previous versions, such as the location of the report.xml files, will be lost after upgrading. You will need to re-apply your configuration settings after the upgrade.


The Parasoft Findings Plugin for Jenkins allows you to visualize static analysis and test results in Jenkins. It converts XML reports generated by Parasoft products into trend graphs and enables you to conveniently view the details or easily navigate to rule documentation. The plugin can be used with Freestyle, Maven, and Pipeline jobs.

The plugin can consume the following report types:

  • Functional test reports generated by Parasoft SOAtest 9.x.
  • Static analysis, metrics analysis, and unit test reports generated by 10.x versions of C/C++test, Jtest, and dotTEST.

For documentation please visit the link Parasoft Findings for Jenkins


static_trend.jpg (image/jpeg)
static_details.jpg (image/jpeg)
static_details3.jpg (image/jpeg)
static_rule_details.jpg (image/jpeg)
test_result_trend.jpg (image/jpeg)
test_results_details.jpg (image/jpeg)
test_stack_trace.jpg (image/jpeg)
freestyle_add.jpg (image/jpeg)
maven job.jpg (image/jpeg)
maven job3.jpg (image/jpeg)
xUnit tests.jpg (image/jpeg)
static_trend2.jpg (image/jpeg)
static_code.jpg (image/jpeg)
test_result_trend2.jpg (image/jpeg)
stack trace all.jpg (image/jpeg)
Jenkins add.png (image/png)