Jenkins : OpenEdge Plugin

Configure OpenEdge ABL tools location on Jenkins nodes.

What it does

During a build, this plugin will:

  • Export the DLC environment variable, pointing to the installed OpenEdge tool
  • Add the path $DLC/bin to the PATH, so that the tools are available during the build


Global configuration

  1. In the tools settings (Manage Jenkins → Global Tool Configuration), find the "OpenEdge Installations" section and click "Add OpenEdge".
  2. Enter a name, e.g. "OpenEdge 12.0" — the name itself has no significance, but will be displayed to users during job configuration
  3. Type the installation directory (or leave it blank if OpenEdge is not installed on the master server)

Node configuration

  1. In the node settings (select node → Configuration), check "Tools location" (if unchecked)
  2. Each OpenEdge installation configured globally can be overridden in the slave

Per-job configuration


  1. In a job's configuration, find the "Build environment" section
  2. Select the "Set up OpenEdge" checkbox
  3. Select the OpenEdge version you want to use when this job is built


As with any other type of Tool Installer, you can use the tool step to inject the DLC variable. For example:

// Run on an agent where we want to use OpenEdge
node {
    // Define variable with OpenEdge 12.0 install location
    def root = tool name: 'OpenEdge 12.0', type: 'openedge'
    // Or export DLC variable pointing to the directory where OE is installed
    withEnv(["DLC=${tool name: 'OpenEdge-12.0', type: 'openedge'}"]) {
        sh 'echo $DLC'

Version history

Version 0.9 (June 6th, 2019)

  • Just code cleanup

Version 0.8 (June 6th, 2019)

  • First release available in update center

Version 0.5 (circa 2014)

  • Initial release